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All school's have social ranks or labels

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All school's have social ranks or labels. The freaks, the popular, and the geeks. The teens of Hawkins all fit in to either one of these ranks.

Most kids are desperate to be accepted by the most popular group. King Steve's group which consist of a red headed bitch and her asshole of a boyfriend who spend their time criticizing other's.

For some reason the only group who doesn't mind not being popular is the group of freaks which is Destiny Henderson's group of friends.

As they entered the school carelessly ignoring the constant stares. There was also Johnathan he was their friend but mostly kept to himself. Unlike the other loud and outspoken teens labeled as freaks.

They entered the school parking lot banging on cars carelessly and filled their lungs with smoke. Currently Liam Newby the curly haired freak that pretends to be dumb when I'm reality he's the smartest boy in Hawkins. He was banging on his own car the beat of the famous Queen song another one bites the dust slowly tapping his feet as well. He sang the song loudly careful impersonating the lead singer's voice. 

Then there was Violet Moore swaying her head to Liam's beat slowly exhaling smoke into the air as she leaned on the rattling car. She glanced at the cute girl from band before turning back to her friends.  She whispered the lyrics softly before placing the cigarette bud back between her lips. The girl was quiet but don't cross her because she fights for what she believes in, literally. She lost count of how many people she has beaten up.

Lastly was the curly haired Destiny Henderson whom was currently playing an air guitar. She swayed her body back and forth in a quick motion. The girl was odd in all her entirety but held a spark. Her smile was bright, some might say it could lit up any room.

No kid would ever admit this but they slightly wished they were as carefree as those three. They had nothing to hold them back they didn't care how others viewed them. Yet, each and every one of them held a deep secret.

"Hey idiots go back to the zoo you came from" they turned around immediately stoping their small concert. "Suck this Brad" Destiny lifted her middle finger up high in the air. Then was followed by her two friends. All three of their middle fingers pointing  at the screaming boy who rolled his eyes at their antics.

In Destiny's peripheral vision she could see the curly haired mop that belong to her brother. His two other friends riding along with him but one was missing. She recalled the worried Byers calling her mother in the morning searching for Will and it seems he hasn't appeared. She felt guilty not biking with him the whole way home.

"I'll be back" she handed the cigarette to Liam who was now leaning on his own car. She exhaled the smoke now reaching the preteens who were currently being bothered by assholes.

"Do the arm thing" said the ring leader of the two. " Do it, freak" screamed the taller one at the younger Henderson. The curly haired boy pulls his shoulders abnormally close together.

"Hey assholes leave them alone" the boys looked at the girl with smudged eyeliner before turning to look at each other. "You need you're weird sister to protect you", questioned the ringleader to the toothless boy. The girl chuckled kicking a rock as she approached them.  "I'm not protecting them I'm just trying to figure out why you pick fights with kids who weigh less than one hundred pounds"

"Watch out she might be high on pot" whispered the other one. The blonde laughed "Yeah I might just go pyscho wanna try me ". The boys slipped off quickly not trying to anger the girl any further now that her two other friends were approaching her. "Hey tiny boy version of Destiny were those assholes bothering you" asked Liam passing the cigarette to the now calm blonde.

"You didn't need to do that" answered the boy who rolled his eyes at Newby's comment . "It's what sibling do" she walked away carelessly unworried like the world was perfect when in reality it was far from it.


The girl heard a cracking noise outside her window. She was sure if she checked she'd either die like in horror movies or find something stupid like their cat. Yet, she did find something stupid ,she didn't find  Mews but Dustin.

"Where are you going?" she stood firmly arms crossed looking straight at the boy with a stern look. "I'm going to search for Will" the girl was quickly upset, they still haven't found the boy. If she was in Jonathan's position and Dustin was missing she would have gone clinical insane or more than what she already was for that matter.

"Then I guess I'm going to search for Will too" she grabbed a hold of her own bike. "Um it's fine I can g.." the boy muttered. "I didn't ask now hurry or I'm leaving with out you". The boy was confused his sister had just invited herself but joined his sister not wanting to argue any further .

"If I only knew it would have rained then i would have worn boots now my sneakers are dirty" the oldest of the four complained about the current condition. The youngings were too busy flashing their lights around looking for Will.

"Guys I really think we should go back" complained now the younger Henderson being ignored by his two pals. "Seriously you guys want to be babies the go home already" screamed Mike Wheeler. The female Henderson giggled, she knew the Wheeler's had a short temper. At times they burst it's odd how different him and Nancy are yet they are so similar.

Her light hit the face of a little boy with an oversized yellow shirt. Yet, this boy was not Will Byers and was not a boy but an extraordinary girl.

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