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After the school incident Destiny and the four kids sat around Mikes basement wondering what Will had been talking about

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After the school incident Destiny and the four kids sat around Mikes basement wondering what Will had been talking about. Destiny was worriedly sitting next to the girl who laid on the couch. The blonde looked a the boys before glancing worriedly back at El.

"What did Will say again" Destiny asked still not sure what they heard the boy said. She shook her leg nervously biting her lip as well tasting the iron knowing she bit herself to hard but ignored the pain still biting her lip.

"Like home..like home but dark" Mike said mostly to himself pacing infront of the girls.
"And empty" Lucas sighed looking up from his spot in the bottom of the stairs. "Empty and cold wait did he say cold" Dustin turned to look at Lucas who sat next to him in the stairs steps.

"I don't know the stupid radio kept going in and out" Lucas said sighing frustratedly. "It's like riddles in the dark"Dustin said looking at the ceiling in thought. "This is so confusing" Destiny groaned laying on the ground next to the floor to also look up at the ceiling in thought.

"Like home like his house" Mike repeated then turned to look at his friends. "Or maybe like Hawkins" Lucas answered pointing at Mike. "Upside down" Eleven mumbled still wearing her blonde wig as she laid there weakly. Destiny rested on her elbows to turn to look at the girl as did the boys.

"What'd she say" Lucas asked looking around the room. "Upside down" Mike gasped realization in his face as he walked to the table. "What" Lucas asked scrunching his face in confusion. "Upside down when El showed us where Will was she flipped the board over remember" Mike said approaching the game board the three others joining him at the table.

"Upside down dark empty" Mike said turning the game board to the dark side as both Hendersons turning to look at each other. "Do you understand what he's talking about" Lucas ask looking at the siblings. "No" they answered at the same time confusion visible on their faces.

"When El took us to find Will she took us to his house right"Mike said still holding onto the game board. Destiny sighed remembering how much they walked just to find out the boy had passed away and now he is alive everything was to overwhelming for her. "Yeah and he wasn't there"Lucas yelled still upset about that night.  "but what if he was there what if we just couldn't see him what if he was on the other side" Mike challenged giving Lucas a stern look.

"What if this is Hawkins and this is where Will is the upside down" Mike said placing the board right side up and the turning upside down pointing at it to get his point across.

"Like the vale of shadows" the Henderson siblings whispered to each other. "You know about the vale of shadows" Mike said looking at the nervous blonde. "Mike why do you always doubt me of course I do the vale of shadows is this creepy dimension where everything looks like our world but not entirely" Destiny said glancing at the three boys. Destiny had bright memory for anything useless. She remembered song lyrics, quirky facts, and interesting gossip but had no idea what her social security number was.

Dustin still unsure his sister was being truthful went to look for the D&D rule book. "I can't believe you guys don't trust me" Destiny scoffed mockingly glaring at the boys crossing her arms in fake anger. "The vale of shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world" Dustin read joining the group at the table again eyeing his sister who had a triumphant grin on her face.

"Hah exactly what I said I expect a sorry" Destiny bragged sticking her tongue out at the boys."I'm gonna marry your sister Dustin be ready to have me as your brother in law" Lucas impressed tried whispering to his curly haired friend but the blonde heard him. She smiled sweetly at him but didn't comment anything in fear of embarrassing the boy. Dustin just glared at the boy before going back to glancing at the rule book.

"It is a place of decay and death a plane out of phase a place of monsters it's right next to you when you don't even see it" Dustin read uneasily looking at the three sitting in-front of him.

"An alternate dimension" Mike whispers staring blankly into space. "But... how...how.. do we get there" Lucas strutted growing anxious with this new information. "We cast shadow walk" Dustin replied looking at Lucas. Destiny rolled her eyes flicking his ear. "In real life dummy" Lucas stated rolling his eyes at the curly haired boy who was rubbing his ear.

"We can't shadow walk but.. maybe she can" Dustin explained shifting his eyes from his friends to the young girl on the couch. They all turned to look at her. "Do you know how we get there to the upside down" Mike asks softly as he looks at the tired girl as do the other three. The small girl shakes her head making them groan and sigh in frustration. Lucas shakes his head throwing it back as he rubs his forehead.
Destiny and Dustin had biked home after finding out that Will could possibly be in danger roaming around in a dark dimension. Destiny came home to see Mews standing in the counter watching her carefully as she gathered the mail her mother had just thrown on the counter.

"Hey what's up little booger" Destiny said petting the cat who wasn't to content with the petting but nonetheless aloud it. She walked passed her brothers room to see the curly haired boy fast asleep tired after the long day. She had the mail under her arm as she carefully closed his door trying to avoid waking him up. When she succeeded she walked into her room struggling to take of her boots. Once she succeeded she jumped on her messy bed ripping open the first letter.

She often did this knowing if she asked her mother  how much money she owed on bills she'd tell her to just worry about school. So Destiny started opening the bills since middle school to check how much they owed and then would slip money into her mothers saving bins. She also didn't want her mother asking where this money was coming from knowing she'd be disappointed to know that her daughter does illegal things to bring money home.

She sighed opening her window to light a cigarette. She sat near the window blowing out the smoke. Most cards were bills or offers but the last one was written in a way too familiar writing.

 Her dead beat father once again only contacting her for his own benefit it was way to repetitive the girl found it exhausting

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Her dead beat father once again only contacting her for his own benefit it was way to repetitive the girl found it exhausting. He'd fall off the face of the earth once he got what he wanted. Then when he was in need again he'd suddenly pop up. tears pooled around her waterline as she blinked the slowly running down her cheeks. She threw the letter as far as she could in anger it only swishing slowly to fall to ground not to far from her.

She wanted to once again ignore his pestering but knew that if he ignored him he'd just come to her to beg specially seeing how desperate he was. She didn't want Dustin seeing what a monster their father had become. She contemplated knowing she barely even had money to help her mother. With the fear of Will and her own life issues she needed an escape so she did the only thing she could do. She pulled her boots back on jumped out the window and ran.

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