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Liam had received a new car since his father had become more involved in his life due to dating Mrs

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Liam had received a new car since his father had become more involved in his life due to dating Mrs. Byers. Liam hated the fact that it took replacing his mother to make then man act like a father but he couldn't deny the smoking new car. He drove a 1970 Dodge dart gt a car he wanted since he was a boy. So he picked up his two friends to give them a ride to school to show of his sweet new ride.

Destiny sat in the front seat messing with the radio. She stopped as soon as she heard Joan Jett's voice turning the volume knob as high as it possibly go. Bad Reputation blasted out of the car as Violet sat in the back seat running her hands on the leather exterior.

They came to a stop sign turning to see a group of girls dancing giddily to a girly pop song before turning to glare at the three freaks their loud music ruining their little moment. The three glared at the group of girls making the girls turn around quickly in fear.

Destiny rolled her eyes as Liam drove off quickly despite the light still being red. Liam drove in to the school parking lot his tire screeching as he turned quickly bumping into a trash can then parking right next to Harrington's car. The boy just went oops but ignored the now crushed trash can.

"Man I hate high school" Destiny said noticing the couple inside Harrington's car as she jumped on the hood of Liam's car a cigarette between her lips. Violet tossed her a lighter which she caught. Liam joined her allowing her to take the first hit then stealing the cigarette off her lips.

"Violet you have the reins play that funky music white girl" Liam said making the girl roll her eyes. "You're white as they come Liam" Violet said but turned to the radio anyway. Black Dog by Led Zeppelin blared out the car making the other two smile happily at eachother. Yet, Destiny looked behind Liam to see Steve and Nancy turning to look at the noise. The two waved at her making her give them an awkward tight lipped smile. "Don't look" she said turning to look back at Liam who almost looked behind him to see what the blonde was looking at.

"Loverbirds" he whispered placing the cigarette back between her lips as smoke came out of his mouth. She just nodded glancing at them talking with one another. "Here this will cheer you up remember the Molly hatchet shirt I was wearing the other day" He said as Violet shoved him to give her space to join the other two. "You know the one with the executioner guy holding a bloody axe and under his foot's the severed head" Liam continued as Destiny passed the girl the cigarette.

"Yeah I gifted you that shirt" Destiny laughed as she closed her eyes the sun hitting directly at them. "Yeah so Bob now that he's dating Byers' mom he's making me go to church every week to bond or whatever and we gotta dress up so I get there and the stupid priest says I can't come in" Liam says giggling watching Violet roll her eyes as she exhaled the smoke.

Violet bored jumps of the hood to rummage through the car finding two pairs of sunglasses and hands a pair to Destiny. "Yeah you're not supposed to wear that at church" Violet scolded making the other two laugh. She looks at them giggle then joins them. "Why not man it's church they're supposed to forgive people there so you hate my shirt forgive let me come in" Liam laughed his laugh so contagious it made the other two laugh as well.

Destiny stopped abruptly as she saw Nancy and Steve kissing. She gulped her face clearly upset as she watched the two kiss. "Hey I believe in god men I've seen him I've felt his power he plays drums for Led Zeppelin" she said as she rubbed her head than laughed sliding off the hood to turn up the music. Before she could even step out the passenger seat a loud car engine could be heard.

The two jumped off to join Destiny who was already leaning on the car looking over to the noise. A blue Camaro drove into the school, parking right behind them. They glanced to see who it was the sound even caught Nancy's and Steve's attention as they stood outside Steve's car as well. "Guess someone kinda took our spotlight" Liam joked watching the car park as everyone turning to look at the car.

"Wow the golden state" Violet added catching the license plate handing the blonde the cigarette. "He has good music taste that's for sure" Destiny said watching as the door opened the cigarette between her lips. "one of us" Liam asked as he looked at the two girl.

As the boy stepped out they took in his appearance he was a good looking guy who sported a mullet. He was wearing denim on denim the jeans quite tight showing of his muscles and nice bottom. They looked around to see Carol and her friends drooling over the boy. "No" the three of them said in unison knowing he was far from a freak at least he did not look like one. "Just another dumb jock with somewhat good taste" Violet said as she turned her back no longer caring about the new guy.

The boy looked around taking in the attention of all the girls who gawked at him. He gave a glance at Destiny who was now looking at his red headed step sister instead. "Hey I know her she beat Dustin's score in dig dug" She laughed disinterested on the guy now. "She's kinda a badass" she laughed watching her skate off. "If anything she's one of us" Destiny smiled at the other two. Billy looked over to see the blonde grinning at her two friends.

He took her in she was smoking a cigarette just like him as she leaned on a car. She had slipped off the black sunglasses so he could see her bright eyes. She was wearing a green army jacket a led zeppelin shirt some jeans and black combat boots. The music coming out of the car sounded like something off his playlist.

Yet, what really caught his attention was the fact that she seemed disinterested in him. Despite all the other girls drooling for him she didn't even try to catch his attention. She looked more interested on his step sister who was skating off. "Hey she's a good as you" Liam said audible enough for the boy to catch what he was saying. "Yeah I miss my board..remember the ramp we made at your house" she pouted Violet cheering her up by rubbing her arm. "Yeah that was the time you broke your wrist it was wicked" Liam said laughing remembering her twisted arm they swore you could see the bone.

He was so interested that he gave the girl one last look before throwing his cigarette on the ground and walking off to enter the school. Someone had caught the boy staring and felt oddly uncomfortable as he saw who he was staring at.

He wondered if the blonde knew him, were they friends since that last night together he knew nothing about her. Steve glanced at the girl he watched as they approached the new boys car and admired it. She laughed loudly at something the curly haired friend of hers said.

He passed her a bag and immediately knew what it was. Her eyes were darker they were no longer the gorgeous ocean blue but more of midnight blue. She had red circles under her eyes and her movements were calculated. She had relapsed and that made him question whether he had anything to do with it. He watched her place something in her mouth quickly. She turned to look at him feeling his stare. She gave him a small uncomfortable wave then walked quickly to catch up to her  friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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