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The girl they had just found now sat on the couch in the Wheeler's basement

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The girl they had just found now sat on the couch in the Wheeler's basement. Destiny was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling counting how many teeth she had. The boys were confused on why she was so calm about this all. Yet, in reality anxiety had completely taken over and she was losing her mind counting helped her calm down.

They began to question the poor girl who was probably panicking as well. "Hey guys I don't know what's more fucked my sleeping pattern, my bank account, or the fact we found a child in the woods the fucking woods" answered Destiny as she stood up taking off her flannel and laying it on the girl who was literally shivering. 

"I'm no scientist but I'd go for the last one" the curly haired girl answered now sitting on the couch. "All right, that's enough, all right? She's just scared and cold" the shivering girls eyes widen and seemed like a deer caught in the headlights. This made Destiny wonder what could possibly cause a child to be so frightened.

Destiny searched for some of Mike's clothes to hand to the petite girl. "Here these are clean" she sniffed them then handed them quickly to her. "Or at least I thought they were" as she received the clothes the freezing girl was quick to change not acknowledging the others in the room. The boys screamed and Destiny chuckled trying to hide her laughter.

"See over there?" Mike slowly pointed at the bathroom door. "That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it." The child didn't seem to completely grasp the concept but still walked her way into the bathroom. She finally spoke minimal words to Mike. Yet, Destiny was worried, why would she be so persistent in keeping the door open.

The boys argued as the girl changed and Destiny laid on the couch pondering. The girl slowly made her way next to the curly haired teen. The boys kept whispering between each other. "Here's the plan she sleeps here tonight" Mike assured the other four in the room.

"You're letting a girl" Dustin asked in shocked but being cut off by Mike and his own sister. "It's not like she has rabies Dustin....right?" The curly haired girl questioned turning to the boys for an answer.    

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