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Destiny hated dinner with the Wheelers

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Destiny hated dinner with the Wheelers. It reminded her how shitty her household was. Her father left when Dustin was barely two and her mother didn't take it too well. It had been years since they actually sat around the table and ate like a family would. She wished she had told Jonathan to just drop her off at Violet's house or Liam's. She also wished she had stayed with him. He was quite upset after visiting his father.

She was sitting close to her plate adding peas to her mash potatoes as if they were eyes. With her fork she stabbed a hole into the mash potatoes to form a mouth.

Dustin who was next to her was chowing down his food. "Dustin look what they've done to me don't eat me arghhhh" Destiny taunted Dustin with her make shift potato monster. He threw a pea at her when the Wheelers weren't looking.  which she surprisingly caught with her mouth. She smiled triumphantly then turned to see Nancy speaking. 

"So there's this special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field Barbs driving" Nancy explained to her mother as everyone just listened in as they ate. Nancy's mom didn't seem to be all that convinced "why am I just hearing about this now". The two bickered further more.

"Everyone's going even Destiny she is accompanying me and Barb" the blonde girl who was currently assembling a tower of peas was astonished to hear her name. "Oh yes I am...wait what am I signing up for?", Nancy's cheeks redden but Mrs. Wheeler didn't question further "just be back by 10:00".

"Why don't you take the boys too?" She asked calmly causing Destiny to collapse her tower. "No" they all screamed in unison. "Don't you think you should be there for Will" asked Mrs. Wheeler confused with the boys behavior. Mike accidentally snorted the milk which caused Destiny to spit out her own milk with nervous laughter as she saw the young girl from the woods walk down the stairs.

As Mrs. Wheeler turned to see whatever was behind her Dustin tap his hands hard on the table causing Destiny to look up from the floor where she was cleaning her mess. "Sorry spasm" he replied which Destiny nodded in agreement. Her brother was a strange kid and he did strange things no would suspect a thing.
Dustin had rapidly explained to Destiny trying to fill her in on why the girl was still at the Wheeler's household. He explained that the girl who's  name was Eleven like the number had super powers and knew where Will was before going to the basement with the two boys to feed the young girl. Destiny believed in ghost and mermaids so it wasn't hard for her to believe the young girl they found in the woods could move stuff with her mind. Also she had hope that somehow Eleven could bring back Will. She would believe the girl was half donkey if it meant getting the boy back.

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