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A few seconds after Harrington runs out the light start to flicker wildly again

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A few seconds after Harrington runs out the light start to flicker wildly again. "Come out you piece of shit" Destiny yells as she grabs ahold of her bat once again. "Where is it" Nancy asks her hands still grasping the gun firmly.

"Come on..come you son of a bitch" Jonathan mumbled. The three circled around the living room their backs meeting eachother. "You see it" Jonathan asks both girls denying quickly. The gasping and heavy breathing becoming louder and then the lights go out.

The two girls look at one another then turn to see a silhouette behind Jonathan. "Jonathan" Nancy screams causing the boy to turn but being too late. The monster knocks him down and his knife flies off far from him. The monster leaps onto him mucus dripping down towards Jonathan's face.

Destiny swings the bat hitting the monster in the head. It turns to look at Destiny now rushing towards her the girl hits him one more time. She trys to lead him towards the hall but bumps into a piece of furniture and falls down. Her bat impacting her leg. The nails impacted her skin causing it to tear as well as the bone. The bat then rolled towards Nancy's feet. The monster leaped onto Destiny but before it can harm her Nancy shoots at it a couple times.

However, it as if the bullets were made of pillows because the monster didn't even budge. The sound of the gun no longer having bullets could be heard. Destiny saw it open its strange mouth and began to edge closer to her face. The girl closed her eyes waiting for the impact or the pain but it never came.

Steve Harrington had grabbed ahold of her bat and hit the monster pushing it off of her. "Steve" Nancy yelled trailing behind the boy. Destiny stayed in her spot on the ground still in shock as well as in pain. She could hear the monster growling as well as Steve's grunts and hits. what made her stumble up back in to her feet was the snapping of the bear trap.

"He's in the trap" Steve yelled both Destiny and Jonathan ran towards the hallway. "He's stuck" Steve said as you could hear the chain of the monster trying to escape. "Jonathan now" Nancy yelled as she stood next to Steve. Destiny threw the lighter towards Jonathan who caught it. He lit the lighter and threw it at the monster. The monster quickly catches fire.

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