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 After school Destiny followed the boys in her bike to the power-line close to the Wheeler's home where he said Eleven the young girl they found was waiting for them

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After school Destiny followed the boys in her bike to the power-line close to the Wheeler's home where he said Eleven the young girl they found was waiting for them. Dustin had explained that Eleven knew where Will was and she was gonna help them look for him so she decided to join them.

"That's so badass why couldn't mom be creative and give us number names. A name like 2 and you're already set up for greatness" Destiny joked as she petaled behind the boys. "Dad use to call you tin can that's better than Dusty Bun " Dustin said slowing down, biking next to her. "Yeah he did" she smiled sadly remembering how close she got to be with her father while Dustin only knew him from what her mother and her would say.

They petaled faster to reach the two other boys who had left them behind. As they were closer to the power lines they saw the back of the young girl as she seemed to be staring off at space. "El" Mike yelled as they  biked closer to the girl. She turned quickly as if she was getting out of trance. "You ok" he pants out of breath as he pulled his bike through the grass. Eleven nods turning to see the blonde teen.

Destiny waved at the girl a bit to enthusiastically. Dustin smacked her hand in order to stop her waving. "Hop on we only have a few hours" Mike says patting his seat motioning the girl to join him.Eleven climbed his bike hold on to his shoulders for balance.  "Let the journey begin my lovely friends" Destiny joked petaling fast in-front of the boy.
Destiny felt completely dehydrated as she had biked all day until sun down with the boys. They now walked in complete darkness pulling their bikes behind them. "So like when does she use her magical powers to make Will appear out of thin air" Destiny whispered to her younger brother who looked tried as well. "Des it doesn't work like that" Dustin scolded making his sister groan wanting to just lay down for a couple minutes.

They walked out of the bushes to see The Byers household where Eleven stops to stare at it. "Here" she says facing Mike. "Yeah this where Will lives" Mike explains confused as he stares at the girl. "Hiding" she breathes out still looking at Mike. Destiny gives the house a look then glances at her brother who was still trailing behind.

"No no this is we're he lives he's missing from here understand" Mike reasons speaking slowly to the girl. The two boys finally catch up dropping their bikes next to Destiny who sat on the ground now staring up at the younger kids

"What are we doing here" Lucas asks upset that he walked all the way to just stop at Wills house. "She said she's hiding here" Mike explained looking at Destiny who sat near them pondering why the girl brought them here. "Um no" Lucas yelled giving both Eleven and Mike a glare.

"I swear if we walked all the way out here for nothing" Dustin complained still out breath being cut off by Lucas. "That's exactly what she did I told you she didn't know what the hell she was talking about " He frustratedly yelled pointing angrily at the girl.

"Why did you bring us here" Mike asked frustration visible in his tone and an annoyed expression on his face. Eleven's eyes widen mumbling none sense not sure how to explain that their friend was really there.

"Hey maybe she got lost we can't blame her guys she didn't even know this was his house" Destiny defended seeing the vulnerable look in Eleven eyes. They seemed truthfully unsure on why they didn't believe her. Destiny smiled kindly at her but that didn't ease her nerves.

"Don't waste your time with her" Lucas said shaking his. "What do you want to do then" Mike fought back the others watching the two boys like a ping pong match. "Call the cops like we should have done yesterday " Lucas screamed making Eleven even more anxious.

"We are not calling the cops" Mike yelled at the same time sires were heard. "Hey guys" Dustin stated hoping to catch his friends attention but the two boys kept fighting. Destiny got up from the floor following her brother to the sound. As the sirens got louder the two boys bickering stopped completely joining The two Henderson were they stood.

They watch multiple cop cars and paramedics pass by with their sirens on. Mike whispers Will before they all run towards their bikes. They speed off after the emergency vehicles petaling like they've never done before. 
They reach the quarry where multiple emergency vehicles were parked at the edge of the water their lights still flashing. The kids and Destiny hid behind a a fire truck as they looked at the scene in-front of them. They watched with a solemn look as they notice that the body the troopers pulled out the water wore the familiar outfit that belonged to Will the night he was last seen.

She grabs ahold of Dustin rubbing his shoulder soothingly as tears roll down both their cheeks. He was to young to be experiencing loss like this he should still be crying over losing at a game not the loss of friend.

"It's not Will it can't be" Mike whispered as he held on the fire truck watching as the troopers carried the boys body ashore. "It's Will it's really Will" Lucas whimpered watching with wide eyes tears staining his cheeks.

Mike steps back being followed by Eleven. "Mike" Eleven whispers reaching her hand out to him but he smacks it away. "Mike, Mike what you were supposed to help us find him alive you said he was alive why did you lie to us what's wrong with you " Mike cry's out directly in-front of the girl who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Mike stop you need to stop" Destiny yells sternly making the boys widen their eyes. Destiny isn't one to scold or get angry surprising  the boys with her outburst. He rushed off getting on his bike as fast as he could. Destiny reached the young girl grabbing her arms and hugging her softly into her side.

"Mike come on don't do this man Mike" Lucas called out to him but his pleas being ignored. "Mike where are you going Mike " Dustin yelled out as well not receiving even a glance from the boy. "Come here" Destiny whispered to the two boys wiping her tears away.  Opening her arms towards them as they walked to her watching Mike bike off.

Eleven moved out of the way allowing the boys to embrace the blonde who rubbed their backs in soothing circles. They cried on her as she allowed tears to fall out her own eyes. Eleven watched them a sad look in her eyes.

The death of Will had struck everyone's hearts. Destiny walked Lucas and Eleven both home as they still cried about the death of Will. As they got home she laid with Dustin both deciding to keep each other company and sleep close by to one another. Sadly this wasn't the first time her little brother's heart broke into pieces. She held tight onto him and wished she could have done something. She promised to protect his sensitive heart since their dad left but there was nothing she could have done to prevent Will's death.

"Don't let go..please never leave me like they did" Dustin said between sobs as he cried into Destiny's chest. "Hey look at me not matter if I have to crawl myself out of hell I will always be here" the older Henderson said as she held onto her brother face rubbing her thumb on his cheeks to remove a salty tear never breaking apart their embrace.

They had each other from the moment that man left their mother the two became one. Destiny became everything Dustin ever needed and Dustin showed her that not all men are as horrible as her father. Together they slept in the couch in each other's embrace. Destiny played with Dustin's curls knowing it would ease him enough to go to sleep.

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