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Going to school with the biggest head ache is always the worst case scenario

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Going to school with the biggest head ache is always the worst case scenario. Yet, Destiny Henderson had been hiding her feelings and many secrets for many years that hiding a hangover was the easiest thing ever. She smiled through the pain all her life a headache was nothing compared to a heart ache.

She doesn't quite remember what happened after she went for the towel. I mean she forgot she had an edible after leaving the wheeler's house before arriving at Steve's drinking alcohol like a maniac because it was free and getting cross faded. She remembers leaving Barb on her own but never actually going back to look for her. Instead she woke up in a bush outside Harrington's home then walked to her own house and now she was standing in the hallways at school in need of a nap.

Violet was off staring at a short hair red headed girl. "I'm very proud to announce that I am officially a lost cause thank you two for all your continued support" the brunette girl breathed out. If they were cartoon characters the girl would have heart eyes as she leaned her head on the locker focusing entirely on the red headed girl.

"I don't know why you don't ask her out what's the worst that could happen" Destiny said looking in the direction her friend was looking. "She could hear me" Violet whispered as the curly haired boy shoved a bag of weed in his locker.

"Babe if you just came out our parents would stop trying to arrange our marriage"Liam grinned taking out a packet of gum when the blonde approached him. "If I came out my parents would send me to Pennhurst" Violet scoffed rolling her eyes at Liam as he patted her back.

"Hey sweetie, what party did we miss" asked Newby  as he popped a piece of gum in his mouth looking at his hanged over friend. " A shitty one at Casa De El Harrington" the curly haired blonde answered as she stole some gum from Liam's hands.

They both stopped what they were doing to look at her as if an alien was shitting on her head.  "We need to talk about your life choices" Violet said in a serious tone. "Yes, ma'am I am afraid to ask, have you been taking.. what the youngsters call pot because in order to do something as horrible as that you need quite a big amount." Liam asked jokingly studying Destiny's features as she rolled her eyes glancing at the boy.

"Nancy Wheeler tricked me into going I heard alcohol and said sign me in, worst mistake of my life" talking about the girl she was standing next to Harrington and her usual friend was no where in sight.

"Wheeler that girl hasn't acknowledged you since 5th grade" Violet asked as Destiny nodded her gaze still focused on the couple. She wondered where Barbara was but the bell rang and she had no time to ask. Steve whispered something to the girl then leaned in for a kiss.

"Hey are you ok" Liam asked twirling a piece of Destiny's hair. He had caught the blonde looking at the couple with a pained look. "Yeah come on let's go" she ushered embarrassed to be caught.

Liam knew of the constant looks his blonde friend gave the boy with the nice hair. She had always glanced at boy since elementary but he never comment on it. He also never comment on the fact that he had caught the boy staring back at her plenty of times.

As the trio was leaving they saw Jonathan being approached by the Hawkins Royals. Jonathan liked to be more of a lone wolf but, him and the Henderson girl knew each other since diapers so it was inevitably for her to defend him. Tommy has taken Jonathan's back pack and placed it on Steve's car.

"Is it really hard for you guys to not be assholes all the time?" asked Violet approaching the group. "Yes honestly is it really necessary" the blonde backed her friend up.

"He's totally trembling he must have something to hide" Steve joked keeping eye contact with the curly haired blonde. Harrington looked through Jonathan's bag pulling out a stack of pictures passing them around his group of friends.

"Look it your friend is stalking us are you sure you want to defend a pervert " Steve handed the blonde the pictures. She saw shots that were not helping Johnathan in anyway. A strange picture of her and Steve holding hands caught her attention and he wouldn't say it but it caught his too . It was a mere second that the two touched just to grab a hold of the lighter but the feeling still tingled in both their minds.

"I was looking for my brother" Jonathan explained looking at both Steve and Destiny. "No this is called stalking" Steve exclaimed rolling up the pictures in his hand. Looking at Destiny's strange expression almost as if she was sad. "Don't you think you are being a bit dramatic" Liam said as he shoved him hands in his pocket. Nancy approached the group before anyone said anything

"What's going on" she asked at she stopped to glance at the two groups. "Here's the staring lady" joked Tom making the blonde and Violet roll their eyes. "What" Nancy asked still not aware of the photographs. "This creep was spying on us last night he was probably gonna save these for later" Carol handed Nancy her semi naked picture and a picture of Destiny smiling to herself in the pool.

"You guys are honestly acting as if he ran over your mom stop it just give him his stuff back" Destiny scoffed her eyes once again meeting Steve's. The two looked at each other really captivating the color of each other's eyes memorizing each shade and line in them and imbedding them their brain.

"See you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but man that's the thing about perverts..it hardwired into them they just can't help themselves" he walked over to Jonathan playing with his shirt still glancing here and there at the blonde.  Liam grabbed a hold of him hand making him stop. Instead of fighting the boy he proceeded to rip the pictures into shreds.

"We will just have to take away his toy" Steve approached his car leaving the group of freaks to get ahold of the camera . "Please not the camera" yelled Johnathan as the other three tried to help him but were pushed back by Tommy and the two other girls. Nancy just stared at the argument unfold and did nothing but call out Steve's name.

"What the fuck are you doing, let me go" the blonde screamed kicking Tommy. Yet it was to late the camera came apart as it hit the ground.
They left immediately leaving the other three behind.

"If karma doesn't hit you in the face Harrington I will" screamed the blonde as her two friends held her back. Nancy watches as the group of teens help Jonathan pick up the pieces of his camera. She pick up some pictures then hears Steve calling her and jogs to his side. Before she got to back to her group Destiny got a hold of her.

"You weren't like this you used to be our friend don't let that asshole change who you are! Speak up don't be his little bitch like Carol is to Tommy". The brown haired girl pulled out of her grasp. "I could say the same about you what happened to the girl I used to have tea parties with now all she does is smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol" she snapped before walking up to Steve who placed his arm around her. Looking at blonde who had a heartbroken expression he wished to go up to comfort her he had never seen her like this but his friends were already calling out to him.

The boy thanks the two others before turning to the blonde who was still taken back by what Nancy had said. "Hey you didn't need to do that" the girl nodded while lighting her joint. She goofily smiled as she breathed out the smoke but deep down she wasn't feel too good.  "I know it was my good deed of the day man". the boy smiled, " the pictures they were.." ,he was cut off by the blonde. "Hey man, you don't have to explain yourself, what you do is on you" she returned the joint between her lips.

The boy stared at the girl unsure of how she kept so cool and collected. She shined brighter than a star no matter how dull the day was. As she walked the room became warmer. He tried so hard to block Nancy out of his head and make his heart fall from the Henderson girl but he just couldn't.

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