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As Destiny came out of the bathroom the feeling of distraught left her body

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As Destiny came out of the bathroom the feeling of distraught left her body. The aching feeling in her chest was replaced by a buzzing in her head and everything was completely silent. No voices screaming at her and the peaceful feeling of numbness.

"Hey Destiny, your mother left early for work and Dustin decided to bike to Mike's they told me to let you know" Bob approached her softly holding on to the blondes shoulder to gain her attention. It had taken years of practice for Destiny to be discrete about being completely fucked up but she did it with such ease now. It was practically unnoticeable to everyone around her how her deep blue eyes were a darker shade or how she nervously bit the inside of her cheek.

"Thank you so much Mr. Newby I'll probably just walk home" she smiled giving the man a glance then seeing her curly friend join them with Violet not far behind. "None sense you can ride with us, come on" Bob said grabbing ahold of the blonde leaving her with no choice.
The ride to her house was rather quiet despite the random questions Bob would ask the two girls to start awkward conversations. Whispering short answers to their friends father trying to be as polite as they could. Destiny just looked out the window watching the trees move so fast almost like a blur.. She wished she was different she wished she can disappear as fast as the trees did from her view. Become just a blur a distant memory but she wasn't a blur and she wasn't fast rather slow like a serene walk  but the world did move so fast so fast it was easy for her tumble. Once you fall it's so hard to get back up. She wondered if she could ever get back up.

Destiny viewed Bob and Liam how their relationship was rather broken. At times she couldn't understand the deep anger Liam had for Bob. Because unlike her father he still came home to him. Bob was rather odd but he loved Liam he just was trying to do his best being a single father. He didn't realize that despite giving Liam everything he wished for, material wise, he forgot to give him the fatherly affection the boy longed for. Bob was proud of Liam I mean the boy was sure to be the valedictorian of his class but Liam didn't want to be appreciated for his intelligence he wanted to be loved for him.

Yet, she didn't judge Liam because how could she when her relationship with her mother was also or even more strained despite her being there for her all her life. Destiny loved her mother but she had a funny way of showing it. It was often the women received the growing rage Destiny had bubbling in her. It was not intentionally she was always there at the wrong time.

Liam sat in his seat with his back turned to his father leaning his head on the window. An emotionless look on his face which was rare on Liam. The boy couldn't keep his mouth shut but with Bob around he was a different person and he also was heavily under the influence of drugs.

Violet looked a Destiny her deep brown eyes trying to read the blonde. Violet wished to understand the girl but not even the blonde herself could understand her emotions. Violet reached out to hold the girls hand which Destiny accepted. Violet knew that the girl had a serious problem. Yes they enjoyed taking pills or smoking weed being insanely reckless from time to time but recently her two friends were becoming to attached to the drugs they took.

It was becoming a serious issue but how can she saved two broke people when she herself was broken. She just knew how to hide it with her strong headed temper. She was rather strong in the eyes of her two friends. Yet, those who weep in silence can be the most broken.

the three weren't not good for each other they were aware but there was comfort knowing that somehow they understood each others emotions. It was easy to see how connected they were purely on the fact they felt so broken as cliche as it sounds. They were careless and got into serious trouble together. Yet, they were there when one needed a shoulder to cry on. Violet leaned her head on Destiny's shoulder closing her eyes for a minute hoping that they would be fine. "Mr. Newby is it ok if you drop me off here I promised the boys I would hang out with them" Destiny said pointing to the Wheeler house the was a couple blocks ahead.

Her two friends looked at her as if she was crazy but didn't question her. They knew despite her state she could handle her self pretty well as long as she doesn't drink alcohol. Alcohol and drugs ingested in the girl was trouble waiting to happen.
As she walked towards the Wheelers front door she noticed Steve Harrington walking to his car singing that stupid song from Risky Business. "Hey if it isn't Batman" Destiny joked catching the boy's attention. He looked up from his car keys to  the blonde. "Oh how should I repay you kind sir" she teased leaning on his car.

"How funny Henderson just never make me do that again and keep Newby away from me" Steve said leaning on his now opened door glancing at the girl. Her pupils once again dilated told him that she was on them again. "Don't plan to but hey...thanks like seriously I rather be taken home by the King of Hawkins then Hopper who acts like he's my father" she softly smiled honestly thankful, pausing to place a cigarette between her lips and lighting it. They awkwardly looked at each other Steve nodding to respond to her. She blew out her smoke before trying to walk away but Steve stopped her.

"Why..why do you do them" He asked noticing how she tensed up at his question stopping in her tracks. "Cause I'm.. I'm not a good person and I really don't plan being here for long" she answered giving him once last look before walking away. She noticed him pause briefly trying to understand what she said almost as if he was about to say something but entered his car instead. It was almost as if he cared the pity painting his face so quickly but leaving at fast as it came. It was rather bittersweet to notice that the boy she despised might care for her.

He sat there for a minute watching her walk away from his peripheral vision catching her usually wild hair arranged perfectly behind her. He preferred when it was all over the place just as wild as her. He likes watching the wind tangle it up and her run her finger through it to try to tame it.

He never knew why he found the girl so enticing until that moment looking into her watercolor eyes. She was a walking hurricane the rain the thunder the chaotic destruction. It was intoxicating trying to decipher the mystery of what brought her such misery he just wanted to solve it he wanted to get tangled up in her destruction.

Maybe he was Batman but he didn't want to save his city he wanted to save the girl. It was interesting how much their soft glances and small stares said to one other it spoke loud words but it seemed as if they were blind, blind to one another blind to the clear words they often spoke.
The boys had tried to catch her up about what their science teacher had told them and what Dustin had found about the compass. So after she changed out of her stupid dresses they made their way to find the portal.

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