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"Hey twerp" Destiny said walking into the Newby household

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"Hey twerp" Destiny said walking into the Newby household. She jumped out the window onto the roof to sit next to her friend. She needed something to get her mind of all the weird shit happening in Hawkins and Liam was going to help her with just exactly that which is why she ran all the way from her house to his.

The boy sat on his roof smoking weed with a tired look on his face. Bob Newby, Liam's father was rarely home working late night shifts in order to bring money home. Liam was used to her or Violet just barging in to his home.

"Hey man what's up how's Dustin you know with the whole Will passing thing" Liam asked passing the blunt to his blonde friend. "He's upset still trying to process what the fuck happened" Destiny explained coughing smoke out. She noticed a bag of chips laid next to the boy and grabbed ahold of some shoving them in her mouth. Not remembering when was the last meal she ate.

"How are you" Liam asked looking longingly at his friend. She looked sleep deprived with purplish circles under her round eyes with smudged mascara. Her hair was disheveled with it's natural curl looking rather tangled instead of holding its twirl. Her lips were dry and her face was pale but he knew she would lie never voicing her feelings.

"I'm good.. yeah just wondering if you have anything new to try" Destiny said nodding laying down on the roof to look up at the stars. "I got some Valium we could snort doesn't that sound like fun" Liam laughed a wicked smile on his face as he looked at the girls reaction. She smiled mischievously back at him while nodding.

They climbed through his window Liam helping the blonde in to his room. She jumped onto his bed with a giddy grin on her face. She knew she would regret this in the morning but in the moment it felt reviving. She was excited like a child getting chocolate. The destroying feeling of Euphoria so addictive yet so destructive.

She watched as Liam pulled out some white pills and crushed them up with a library card. He passed a rolled up bill to the girl who pulled her hair back ready to inhale the powdered substance. She felt it hit her nose making her tilt her head back and scrunch her nose in discomfort. She moved jumped back  on to the bed waiting for the drug to hit as Liam took his turn.
Liam danced around jumping on his bed playing with his belly button with his eyes  shut. Destiny tired using his house phone to call Violet but instead was pushing random buttons high off her mind giggling every two seconds dropping the phone on the ground many times the loud thud going ignored by the two teens.

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