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Still sitting at the police station as usual Destiny decided to be completely obnoxious as always and was tapping the beat of jailhouse rock on the desk she was sitting

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Still sitting at the police station as usual Destiny decided to be completely obnoxious as always and was tapping the beat of jailhouse rock on the desk she was sitting. "The warden threw a party in the county jail,The prison band was there and they began to wail,The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing. You should've heard them knocked-out jailbirds sing" the young blonde sang.

Flo and a few cops giggled used to the girls behavior others rolled their eyes. "Hey Calvin, be a good man and pass me a ciggy" the blonde batted her eyes hoping he would budge. The deputy rolled his eyes "How many times do I have to kick you out of this office?..go sit your ass down..Calvin..hm..put some respect on my name" Officer Powell sternly said causing the blonde to feel like a child getting lectured.

"I'm sorry Sir.. I love the hospitality this office gives, it's better than a five star hotel and plus Flo and you are like my family" the young blonde chuckled. The man hid a smile on his face not giving in to Destiny but he cared for the young girl. He was aware of her home life and knew she was a good girl with bad life choices.

As Destiny was given pens and paper to entertain herself in runs Joyce upset and right behind her is Sheriff Hopper. "Hey Jonathan..Jesus,what..what happened?", she asked as she saw his bruised face. Both Callahan and Jonathan tried to calm her down but were unable to. "Why is he wearing handcuffs" she yelled out at Callahan."Well your boy assaulted a police officer" He answered. "Hey glasses if I am correct you body slammed me onto you cop car" yelled Destiny getting up from her seat.

"Destiny in here again and sober what a lovely surprise " asked Hopper with a serious tone watching the blonde write 'Callahan sucks' in various pieces of paper that Flo probably gave her to get her to shut up for a minute. "Oh Hops aren't you proud of me" she smiled softly embracing the man who held a stern face.

"Yeah sure Henderson I'm proud.. how about you stay out of my hair I'll be much more prouder" Hopper said messing her curls up as he nudges her off him jokingly. He saw the brightness in her eyes proving she was truly sober. "I know you missed me..I'm the only one who brings any fun into this station..how long does it take to become a cop.." Destiny smiled jamming her finger on his side to tickle him but being cut off by Joyce.

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