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The moment Destiny woke up she was terrified

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The moment Destiny woke up she was terrified. She didn't know how the hell she even got herself home. The last thing she remembers was leaving with Liam to get waffles. She felt uncomfortably sweaty but cold as her clothes stuck to her and she had the horrible feeling of wanting to throw up.

There was nothing worse than a cross faded hang over and the fact she had to now get ready for the funeral of the small boy she wasn't even sure was actually dead. Let's just say it was going to be a long day.

She rushed out of her bed her bladder screaming at her as she grabbed a hold of her curls to messily bundle them up with a hair tie noticing some nacho cheese clinging to her curl but not minding it. She went in to the bathroom to clean up and to pee. She washed her face hoping it could wash off her hangover.

She gave herself a look in mirror picking at her forehead as she noticed the bruising close to her eye she shrugged knowing she'll never know how she got it and used to waking up with bruises after a long night. It was insulting to say she wasn't even disgusted with how she looked. She was used to being a complete mess but the reflection that stared back at her looked lifeless it held no emotion. She could say she hated how she looked because she put no effort to change her appearance, she had giving up a long time ago.

It was as if the reflection and herself weren't even the same person. She didn't even hate herself for what she did she hated knowing how disappointed Dustin and her mother would feel if they knew. It wasn't death or the addiction that scared her it was the fact she couldn't change for them. It scared her how slowly she was becoming just like the person she hated.

She closed her eyes already feeling the painful feeling that returns as she leaves her high. The feeling of all the voices that won't shut up in her head. The feelings of the world moving to fast and her too slow. The feeling were you are just fucking exhausted that nothing matters.

As she walked in the kitchen she reached over the fridge to grab a box of cereal casually shaking the box above her mouth to catch some of the cereal to chew on as she made herself a bowl.

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