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Sitting around waiting for the kids to arrive wasn't easy for any of them

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Sitting around waiting for the kids to arrive wasn't easy for any of them. They all sat anxiously waiting to see that they arrived safely. As the lights of Hopper's car illuminated the wheelers home through the front window. All four of them raced to see the the kids.

"Come here  you had my anxiety off the roof, I was about to walk my ass over there and get you guys myself and you guys know how much I hate walking..are you hurt..my heart almost gave out"she hugged all of the kids gently checking their faces to be sure they didn't have a single scratch.

She brushed over Dustin curls. "Do you ever do that to me again or I'll combust" she said looking directly at the boy. "That goes for all of you" she said gently smiling at Eleven who grinned back. "Yes  ma'am", they repeated mockingly.  "Is that my dress" Nancy asks looking at eleven as she hold Mike from his shoulders. "Deny Deny Deny" Destiny whispers to El who look d at the Henderson girl in confusion.

"Okay so in this example we're the acrobat...Will and Barbara and that monster they're this flea and this is the upside down where Will is hiding " explained Mike as he pointed at a drawing. All us sat around listening to them explain their plan to us.  "Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space" Mike explains putting his drawing down. "A gate" Dustin buts in. "That we tracked to Hawkins Lab" Lucas adds. "With our compasses" Dustin finishes for him.

"The gate has a really strong elecromagnetic field  and it changed the direction of Dustin's compass needle it had us walking like idiots while I was...so happy to be there hang out with the younglings" Destiny add remembering the awful day almost telling everyone of how high of her mind she was but stopped herself. She jokingly pinched Dustin's cheeks causing the boy to shove her. Everyone looks at her in awe not knowing the girl was actually quite intelligent except for Jonathan and Dustin. They both knew that girl was a genius when she wanted to.

"Is this gate underground" asked Hopper as they finished explaining. "Yes" answered Eleven speaking for the first time since they been there. Destiny was glad that the girl no longer had to hide and she felt the burden of carrying the secret off her chest. "Near a large water tank" asked Hopper directly looking for Eleven to answer.

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