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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

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Destiny walked inside the Wheeler home in hopes to pick up her brother

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Destiny walked inside the Wheeler home in hopes to pick up her brother. She held a couple gifts in her arms that she had actually purchased not stolen for once. As she entered the living room she saw Mr. Wheeler practically glued to the tv. A few seats away from him were Nancy and Steve cuddled into eachother. Steve smiled slightly at the girl who quickly turned to look away. "Hey guys" she said quickly as she walked into the kitchen not even hearing their responses.

"Hey Mrs. Wheeler" Destiny said to the woman who was busy the kitchen she replied with a quick hello honey. "Hey Destiny" Jonathan said as he entered the room. "Hey did finish your campaign" Destiny asked looking at Will. "Yeah but it was too short" Will complained as the girl ruffled his hair.

"Ten hours too short huh I wish I felt like that when I have to work" she said handing Will some coins he could use at the arcade. "Here if you Keith gives you shit tell him I'll beat his ass" She whispered to him giving Mrs. Wheeler a glance before cussing. She also handed the boy a badly wrapped box that contained art supplies.

"Well we have to go" Jonathan said smiling at the girl. "Wait here you go" she said giving him another gift that was wrapped horribly it contained a cassette player with music by The smiths. "Thanks" they both said not expecting gifts from the girl. "I'm sorry but we.." Jonathan feeling bad for not getting the girl anything.

"Hey don't worry about it...Bye guys" she said walking away slightly listening to Mrs. Wheeler wish them a Merry Christmas. "Hey dorks" She yelled as she hit the last step. Watching as Lucas and Dustin were wrestling. "My money's on Lucas" she said giving Mike a box. "What's this" Mike asked grabbing the box and opening it.

"The dragon lance saga wow thank you..how did you get this" Mike said hugging the blonde. "I bargained with this teen at the arcade who had it..I got no sleep he wanted to stay at the arcade after hours so I hope you like it" she said patting his back.

She pulled the other two boys apart before handing them their gifts. "Missile command..thanks Destiny..wow I love your sister" Lucas said looking at the video game then at the blonde who grinned. He looked at her in awe before being punched by Dustin. "A Star Wars snow speeder...you're the best" He grinned widely running towards his sister to give her a hug.

"Yeah yeah come I'll wait for you outside you know we have to have dinner with mom and Mews hurry" she said jokingly shoving the boy. "Merry Christmas boogers" she said to the other two who were cleaning up. "Merry Christmas Destiny" they said in unison as she raced back up.

"Merry Christmas Destiny wish your mom a merry Christmas for me" she said as she sipped on her wine. "Yeah thank you Mrs Wheeler" she walked away her slightly bumping into someone.

Steve groaned but helped the girl regain balance. They looked at one another before she pulled away. She awkwardly rubbed her arm looking at the last box she held. "So you and Nancy huh" Destiny mumbled trying not to sound hurt but her voice giving her away. Steve turned to her awkwardly scratching his neck as he looked around to see Nancy was still upstairs.

"I meant to call to talk to you..Destiny I" Steve said grabbing her hand but the quickly yanked her hand from him. "No..um it's fine..I forget about..you two look better together..it was a mistake " she laughed then looked at the gift in her hands pondering on whether she should just keep the gift.

"Merry Christmas" she slightly yelled pushing the gift into his hands. He looked at the awfully wrapped gift in his hand then back at the girl who would not meet his eyes. He tried handing the gift back to her. "Just keep it Steve" her frustration becoming more noticeable in her tone. It felt odd to hear his name slip out her mouth. Like when a mother screams your full name and you know you're dead that how it felt.

She gave him a akward pat and smile then walked away. "Hey..I didn't..I didn't mean to hurt you..it's she's the only one that knows what I'm about" he said grasping her shoulder. She laughed sarcastically but quickly stopped. Nancy Wheeler didn't know who Steve was just as much as Steve didn't know who Nancy was but she wasn't going to make a scene. "Just enjoy your holidays Harrington" she smiled slipping out of his grasp and walking out the front door. Dustin joined her holding tightly his gift.

Steve watched her lost for words then turned to open his gift. He ripped the wrapping paper to reveal a game of connect four with a note that read 'save a game for me'. He felt terrible as he ran his fingers over the note.
After leaving Dustin home she walked to the nearest pharmacy a couple dollars in her pocket and a written prescription she had hidden away. When she broke her leg she was prescribed some medicine for the pain she would now use it to relieve a different type of pain.

"How much for a bottle a Vicodin" she asked the cashier. "You have a prescription" the lady ask taking in her young age and looking down at her no longer broken leg. She handed her the prescription. The lady looked at it then grabbed a bottle of pills. "This will cost you 20 dollars" The woman said handing her the bottle. Destiny slid her two ten dollar bills and walked away.
A now high Destiny walked back home as she stumbled a bit. She looked around before trying to cross the street a car stopped quickly and the window rolled down. "Hey mischief get in" Hopper yelled to the girl who looked like a deer in headlights. She got in and quickly looking away from the man feeling ashamed.

"I see you're still on your suicide mission" he whispered passing her his cigarette which she quickly took starting the car back up. "Let go..let god" she joked letting the smoke out pushing her hair out of her face her eyes dropping as she felt drowsy.

"Remember the song that played the first time you caught my ass doing drugs" she whispered her eyes closed her breathing becoming heavy as she passed the cigarette back to Hopper. "Yes it was I wanna be sedated by The Ramones which you explained was all you truly wanted in life and ironically the song started playing" he chuckled despite it not being morally correct but if he was honest at that time he felt exactly the same as the girl. "You told me you loved The Ramones and I told you.."She mumbled slightly opening her eyes to see the man as he drove.

"your father did too"he whispered glancing at the girl as his face turned angry at the thought of her father he placed the cigarette on the ashtray. "I hate that..I hated that..I'm was trying to get high forget my father and this cop just reminded me of him...here" she slurred bumping her head on the roof of the car as she tried getting a cassette out of her pocket. She handed him A Road to Ruin cassette.

"I'm not like your father" hopper stated as he drove into her driveway. He opened up the glove compartment to hand her a gift as well. She grabbed the gift and started sobbing. "Hey...hey just open it Destiny" He said wiping her tears her big blue eyes looking at him when he said her actually name. She opened it to see a whole new record player seeing  how he had actually payed attention to her constant complaining. She had complained a couple weeks ago that she had to share her record player with her mother.

"How do you not hate me..how can you not hate me" She sobbed she had promised this man to be sober she was now clearly high as she still received a gift she was the biggest piece of shit. "Hey..stop it ok..I get it we're living in dark times not a lot of hope out there" He said seeing the girl nodded tears still rolling down her eyes.

"I don't blame you Destiny I just I'm scared for you...I'll always be here for you ok..understand that" Hopper said trying to make it clear he wasn't nothing like her father and no matter if she was sober or not he'd be there for her. "Now get your ass home before you pass out in my car...Merry Christmas Mischief" he said patting her shoulder before giving her a tight hug. "Merry Christmas Hopper" she said holding tightly onto him.


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