Ch.19 hospitals

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Songs for this chapter:
1. Where are ü know- Justin Bieber
2. Earned it- the weekend
3. Outside- Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding

Maddie's POV:
It was like I was watching a movie of very bad quality. The picture was fuzzy, the noise was muffled, none of it made sense as if I had missed the first 5 minutes. I just wanted to shut it all off. I was in so much pain, and I was freezing. I tugged at the blanket but the large man dressed in blue scrubs pulled it off reveling my torn up legs. I gasped in shocked as tears started running down my cheeks.
"What happened?!" I cried out holding up my arms seeing all the bandages and stitches.

"Don't you remember the night of the wreck?" The man asked.

"Wreck? What wreck?!" I shouted as Yael stepped closer.
"Sweetie what's the last thing you remember?" She asked.

"My- where's my ring" I sobbed holding up my left hand. Yael let out a soft sigh and grabbed my right hand where I saw it.

"When did you get the ring Madison?" The man asked again. I figured him to be a doctor since I was obviously in the hospital.
"Justin and I at the restaurant- h- how did I get here?" I asked running my hands over my cheeks trying to remember.

"Baby you and Justin-" Yael started but the doctor quickly stopped her for some reason.
"Mrs. Yael, you can explain that to her later. Now she just needs to get some rest so we don't overwhelm her"

"She needs to know" Yael bit taking a hold of my hand. I squeezed as tightly as I could desperately searching around the crowded room for Justin.
"All in good time, but may I speak with you in private?" He asked. Yael looked down at me and kissed my forehead before walking out. A few nurses stayed behind and helped tuck the blanket back around me, while one used a tissue to wipe my tears off my cheek.

"You've been so strong, it's good to finally see you awake" The nurse in a pair of light yellow scrubs said with a smile.

"What happened, please tell me" I begged.

"I'm sorry" She said in a whisper before following the other nurses out. Once I was alone I tried to look for my phone but it hurt to much to move. I slowly lifted the hospital phone that was sitting beside my bed and tried dialing Justin's number but it went straight to voicemail. I threw it down in frustration as I let out a loud cry. I had no idea what was going on, I just needed Justin to be here and explain everything to me. I needed him to wrap his arms around me and give me a comforting kiss. It was all that I needed, well that and my mom. It's now that I missed her the most, when I needed her the most and she wasn't there.
"Mom" I softly sobbed. I slowly lifted my right hand and gently pressed my lips against the cold J, I held it to my heart as the round band left an impression in my skin.

Justin's Pov

"When will he be able to get back to work? We have to start rehersals for the tour soon" Scooter explained to the doctor.
"We're gonna want him to take it easy for the first few weeks, he did just get out a coma. A mild one but you still need to take all the precautions, I'm sure by next month he will be better than new besides a few scars"

"Can I go back to the studio" I asked as Yael walked into the room.

"Justin Maddie's awake" She said in a calm voice. I shot out of my chair, I couldn't believe it.
"She- She's awake now?!" I asked as my hands started shaking from excitement.

"Well the doctor told everyone to let her rest, but yeah she's awake" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom she's awake!" I repeated pulling her into a tight hug.

"Take it easy son, I'm sure your excited to see her so we can finish this later" The doctor said excusing himself. Scooter was holding Yael in her arms as she cried tears of joy, and I couldn't help but shed a few myself. I wanted to see Maddie that second, I couldn't wait any longer. I walked as fast as I could down the hall with everyone else in tow until I got to the room.
"Justin wait!" Yael stopped me, "The doctor wants her to rest, we shouldn't bother her right now"

"I don't think I'll be bothering her" I said in a harsher than intended tone.

"Justin- Justin!" She shouted as I started to turn away. "He doesn't think it's a good idea to tell her about the wreck"

"What are you talking about? Doesn't she remember?" I asked feeling my heart drop into my stomach.

"Justin wait!" Yael stopped me, "The doctor wants her to rest, we shouldn't bother her right now"

"I don't think I'll be bothering her" I said in a harsher than intended tone.

"It's not like we're never gonna tell her, we're just gonna wait until she gets out of here and back on her feet" Scooter said in a whisper so the passing bystanders couldn't hear our conversation.

"Can I go see her now?" I asked with a frustarted bite. Everyone nodded their head as I turned to walk in, "-Alone" I spat as they backed up. I couldn't believe they wanted to lie to her, I understood what they were saying but when she does find out it's gonna blow up in everyone's face. And I wasn't gonna have her thinking that I'm a liar, if she asks me, I'm gonna tell her I decided.

As I walked in I pushed the curtain back and saw Maddie laying in the bed like before, but this time was different. She had color to her face, and she was breathing on her own.
"Maddie" I said in a whisper, "Mad baby wake up" I gently took her hand in mine.

"Justin?" She groaned in mumble.

"Maddie, I've missed you so much" I said as a tear fell down my cheek. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.

"Ow- owh" She groaned.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. But can you smile for me?" I asked gently running my thumb over her cheek. She let a smile take over her lips as I sighed a breath of relief, her eyes sparkled as tears quickly filled them. "What's wrong baby?" I asked, gently helping her sit up.

"I have no idea what's going on, how did I get in here- and what happened to you!? Why are you all beat up?" She asked in shock looking me over.

"That's not important-"

"Not you to" She sighed leaning back and crossing her arms letting her hand with the ring lay softly over her forearm.

"Don't treat me like I don't have the right to know! I'm going crazy trying to figure out what happened" She cried sitting back up and leaning in my arms. I gently held onto her careful not to hurt her as she cried into my chest. I contemplated my feelings telling her and what everyone else was telling me to do.

"I'm gonna tell you but-" I let out a sigh as I pulled her legs gently over my lap since I was still sore.
"But what?" She anxiously asked.

"Nothing-" I paused, "On our way home from the restaurant we- we were going through a stop light and- and" I stopped as she tightly gripped my hand.

"Justin tell me!" She shouted.

"A drunk driver hit us" A blurted out in one breath. Her grip went limp as her eyes widened and she went pale she took a deep breath as she looked above my head staring into space. "Baby?"

"Your- your lying" she said in a whisper.

"No I'm not, I was in a coma for three days and you've been in one for the past week. I was so scared, when had no idea when you were gonna wake up so I'm just glad to finally see your eyes, and hear your voice" I said gently cupping her cheek as her tears effortlessly soaked into my hands.
"No no, this can't be happening" She whispered choking on her sobs. She leaned back over and cried hard into my chest. "No! Not again!" She sobbed. "Why is this happening?" She asked lifting her head for a second. I didn't know what to say, I had no answer. I tried to resits from crying, I tried to stay strong for her but I couldn't. Every fiber of my being wanted to make this better for her, I wanted to take away all of her pain and the all the shit that has happened over the past year.

"Maddie it'll be okay" I said in a whisper running my hand over her tangled hair and gently kissing her forehead, and lifting her lips to mine. "Everything's gonna be alright" I muttered as our tears mixed and our lips mashed together.


Going to update more frequently from now on


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