Ch.11 Nightmares

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Authers note:

This Chapter is dedicated to ImWEIRDbutCOOL, she's been supporting my since the beginning. Your amazing<33 #muchlove

Songs for this Chapter:

1. Ghost -Ella Henderson

2. Blank Space -Taylor Swift

3. Nothing like us -Justin Bieber (never writing a song without one of his)

Maddie's Pov 

"You have to give me some kind of explanation!" Justin argued standing to his feet as I refused to tell him about my dream.

"Can you just drop it?" I snapped back. The only reason I didn't want to tell him about it was because I didn't want him to worry. I know how busy he is with the release of his new album and how much stress he is under. He doesn't need to be thinking about my problems on top of his. 

"Fine don't tell me" He said lowering his tone, and turning to walk out. 

"Justin wait-" I tried to stop him but he was already out of the door. I let out of a frustrated sigh and fell back on the bed. I looked at my watch and saw that I was supposed to be at Justin's house to meet his mom in less than an hour, but I didn't want to do it with him mad at me.

I grabbed my phone and sent him a text asking him to come back and a few minutes he was back leaning against the wall, waiting for me to start explain.

"Can I tell you later after the lunch? I promise-" I finally gave in. A smile tugged at his lips as he came and sat down besides me.

"I just hate seeing you like that Mad, I hate seeing you so hurt and I'd do anything for you. And I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I won't judge you, I swear." He said laying a gentle hand on my knee. 

"I know-" I sighed, "-you should know how nervous I am to meet you mom" I said with a soft laugh.

"Don't be!" He playfully shouted pulling me in his arms and on his lap, "She's not gonna find a single flaw, your perfect" He smiled pulling my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck continuing the kiss. He made me feel so special, I never wanted to let that feeling go. 


"How do I look? Is my hair ok? My makeup didn't smudge did it?" I frantically asked as we neared the front door. My heart was practically beating out of my chest, I had never been so nervous to meet a boyfriends parents before in my life, I guess that just goes to show how much I like Justin.

We walked inside and I was blown away, I thought Yael and Scooters house was magnificent, Justin's blew their's out of the water.

Everything was perfect, so clean and pristine, not a thing was out of place, everything seemed so delicate. 

"Your fine baby" Justin laughed gripping my shaking hand tighter, "Mom?" He said as we walked into the kitchen where a short petite women stood over the stove with a pink frilly apron on. 

"Hey guys" She smiled wiping her hands off, and pulling both of us in a hug. "This must be the gorgeous Madison" Pattie was so warm and welcoming, she made me feel right at home the second she released me from the hug. I felt ridiculous at how nervous I was. (AN: Pattie's awesome<3)

The three of us sat down at the table as Pattie brought out a few pots and pans of food. 

"I hope your hungry, I got a little bored" She joked sitting beside me. 

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