Ch. 33 i'm not suicidal!

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Songs for this Chapter:

1. Never let me go by Florence +the Machine

2. Breathe me- Sia

3. 2U -Justin Bieber feat. David Guetta

Maddie's Pov:

It was scary not knowing what was going on, it was like I was back in the same place after the accident. Only I couldn't hear a thing going on in the outside words, nor could I feel anything, including my own pain or stress.


I wasn't sure how long I was out, it seemed like a while. As I slowly opened my eyes I was blinded by the bright lights hovering over me. The annoying beeps from all the monitors filled my empty head, and the thin blankets did nothing to cover me from the cold. 

I looked around the room and it was empty, no Carin, no Justin, no Scooter or Alfredo. I was all alone. I looked down at my arm and it was bandaged tightly with gauze and medical tape, and a loose plastic hospital bracelet dangled around my wrist.

 It wasn't the normal Cedars-Sinai bracelet. I held it up and read it, 'CDRC' I wondered what the initials stood for until I read on. California's Drug Rehab Center it read in bold letters, along with other initials.

My heart dropped- a rehab?! What was I doing here? I don't have a drug problem! I told myself, I tugged at the bandages but they were taped too tight. My eyes filled with tears as I jumped out of the bed, my stomach still ached but I nerve subsided the pain. 

I tore off the cords hooked up to my chest and ran out into the hall. The lights were dim, nurses were spread out through the entire area, and people in hospital gowns sulked around the halls or wheeled themselves in wheelchairs.

"Miss Hyland" One of the nurses ran to my side firmly taking a hold of my arm. "Your awake" She smiled gently pushing me back inside the room I came out of.

"What am I doing here?!" I shouted.

"I'll have the doctor come to see you," She said in a whisper getting me back in the bed, ignoring my protest. I roughly wiped my cheeks dry, and a few minutes later a doctor walked in a large white lab coat. He was bold, and had dark brown eyes, he was so tall and very intimidating.

"How are you feeling?" He asked before introducing himself.

"Not good- at all! What am I doing here?!"

"Carin Morris checked you in last night, it says here you are a suicide risk" He explained thumbing through a file.

"A what?" I gasped in shock, did he just say suicide? I asked myself. "I'm not suicidal!" I said for a fact.

"After your lasted incident, everyone thought it would be better if you came for a while"

"Well, I want to go home! I'm not crazy!" I cried.

"No one is saying your crazy miss Hyland, but after your mothers passing and a server accident where you and your boyfriend almost lost your life that can have a last effect on someone." He explained.

I couldn't believe this, how could Carin do this to me- how could Justin let her?! I was one mistake, it's not like I've ever cut myself before! This was all way to extreme.

"Well, when can I go home?" I asked.

"When we see significant progress, we will talk about it with your caregiver- now let's get you hooked back up here" He sighed walking over to me and taping the wires back to my chest. He didn't even bother to try and comfort me as my tears soaked into my cheeks.

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