Ch. 26 the morning after...

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Songs for this chapter:
Cold Water -Major Lazer feat. Justin Bieber & MØ
Couple of kids -Maggie Lindemann
Nothing like us -Justin Bieber (A/N: love this one too much)

Maddie's POV:
Justin pulled me under his body, fast and eager but at the same time tenderly.

"Are- are you sure your ready for this" he asked looking...worried?

His chest was just a few centimeters above mine and I could feel how much concentration it took him, not to just shove his length right into me.

"I'm sure" I breathed into his beautiful face, smiling at him. He shifted above me and seemed to be debating about something.

"Fuck it" he whispered, and looked back at me with those loving eyes, I've stared at for way to long.

"Okay" he mumbled "if-if it hurts just tell me immediately, we'll stop if you feel uncomfortable" he stuttered nervously.

"I trust you" I smiled and caught him completely off guard. Then he did something I didn't expect at all. He started kissing my face, over and over again. First my cheeks, my nose, eyes and last but never least, my lips.

He turned around and I heard the package unwrap, while he put a condom on. From there he leaned back over me and slowly thrusted into me.

It was an uncomfortable feeling, and after a few moments, pain shot up my inner thighs. We stayed in this position for a while until he started moving slowly. I could see the concentration in his eyes, and just a drop of sweat rolling down his calf.

"Can I- I move?" He asked looking a me with worried but also desperate eyes.

"Yeah..." I whispered, my eyes closing when he made his move. The pain was present and sharp, but bareable. His eyes were on mine the whole time and suddenly he stared kissing me, kissing me all over my lips, neck, cheeks, nose and the tears forming in my eyes. I put focus on Justin's kisses which made the pain go away.

"Oh god" he rolls his head back. "O love you Maddie, I love you so much" he breaths against my neck. The comfort of his voice mutes my pain.

"Fuck Mad, do you- do you want me to stop?" He stutters. I can hear the pleasure and worry battling in his voice. I shake my head and watch him in amazement. Suddenly the pain was gone, all I could feel and think of was him and I, being as one. As I watched him come undone he burries his neck in the crock of my neck and hold me tight as ever. Even if we break up, if we end up never talking to each other ever again, in that moment he was everything to me.

Justin's POV:
I woke up, the windows almost bursting at the seams from the morning sunlight. I turned my head to the side and saw Maddie sleeping peacefully on my chest.

The sheets tucked around her shoulders covering her bare chest, and her hair had fallen in her face. I gently ran my fingers through her tangled curls, as she stirred in my arms.

"Emm" She let out a soft groan, slowly opening her eyes.
"Good morning beautiful" I said in a whisper pecking her forehead.
"Good morning" She smiled tugging at the sheets. She sat up revealing her bare back as she held the sheet up. She looked back at me with a smile as I traced swirls around on her back.
"Last night was-" I let out a lasting sigh.
"Perfect" She teasingly shrugged.
"Perfect" I agreed pulling her back down in my arms planting a kiss on her cheek. We laid there for a few more minutes before getting up to start getting ready for the day.
"Can I borrow a pair of sweats?" Maddie asked shamefully holding the sheet wrapped around her petite frame.
"Let's see-" I teased pulling her in my arms "-What I get in return?"
"Justin come on" She laughed pulling away, "Please" She poked out her bottom lip.
"I'm no match for that face" I winked handing her a pair of my red sweatpants. We finished getting dressed and ran down stairs, to see our mess from last night. A jar of pickles, a few blankets and pillows, and a collection of different movies. We hurried to clean up the mess knowing that my mom would be home soon, and when we finished we fell on the couch and started watching the 'Friends'  marathon that was on TBS.
You only want to go out with me because my blond wig, and the big boobs, and the fact that I serve you food. Monica told Pete who was sitting at the bar in front of her.  Well, if that were true, I'd dating my Aunt Bea. And the two times we went out were just plain awkward. He joked with her.
Maddie let out a soft laugh at the jab, as we heard the door squeak open.
"Hey guys" My mom walked in as Maddie slid off my lap standing to her feet.
"Hey mom, how was your night?" I asked before she could ask about ours.
"It was nice, nothing to special. What did you guys do?" She asked laying her purse on the counter and walking into the kitchen. Maddie looked up at me with a spook expression grabbing my hand tightly.
"We just stayed in and watched movies" I said before Maddie could freak out any more. I let out a soft laugh pecking her forehead before leading her into the kitchen.
"Are you getting ready for the studio?" My mom asked catching me off gaurd.
"I forgot-" I rolled my eyes with an exasperated sigh, "-I'm supposed to meet Scooter and Dan at the studio at noon" I explained to Maddie.
"You don't have time to take me home-" She said looking at the clock seeing it was already 11:30, "-if you want I can go with you" She suggested.
"It's a plan" I smirked pulling her into a kiss, but she pushed me away with my mom standing right in front of us.
"I'm gonna go freshen up, I'll see you guys later" My mom said giving Maddie a loose hug and giving me a harsh pat on the back before walking out.
"Why do you do that?" She scoffed swatting at my chest, after my mom was out of a earshot.
"I'm sorry, am I good now?" I winked pulling her closer into a kiss until my phone went off. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it off the counter.
"-Waiting on you" Scooter's text read.
"We should get going" I told Maddie before she ran up the stairs to grab her things.
"What are they doing here?" I muttered under my breath eyeing the paparazzi at the entrance of the studio. I drove around to the back entrance that was empty and cut the engine off. Maddie and I walked into the studio and down the hall to Studio #4, the one Scooter always had rented out for us.
"Hey guys- what are you doing here Mad?" Scooter greeted us as we walked in.
"I didn't want to be late" I teased answering for her.
"Justin-" Maddie smirked swatting at my chest.
"Well there's no time to play, we have work to do" Scooter directed pulling me into the booth while Maddie stayed in the sound room.
"-Listen, I don't want Maddie to be a distraction. We have a lot of catch of work, and I need you focused" Scooter explained in a sharp, hushed tone.
"I got it" I agreed as he walked out. I placed the bulky headphones over  my ears as the music for 'Out of Town Girl' started playing. That and 'Fall' were the last two songs I needed to record for the album to be finished. We were all so excited, thinking about it made it hard to record sometimes.
All you gotta do is read the signs The exit is to the right, I don't know your name But love your smile, I love the way you put it down, down, down
"Sounds great kid! How bout you take a break, we're gonna go get some coffee want anything?" Dan came over the speakers.
"Nah I'm good" I shook my head removing the headphones and hanging them on the mic stand before walking back into the sound room.
"Your were great baby" Maddie smiled standing to her feet, wrapping her arms around my waist. I kissed her forehead and held her playfully tight. "Justin-" She laughed pushing away.
"Come here, I want to show you something" I said pulling her back into the booth. She had never been back there, meaning she had never seen all the instruments back there- including the piano.
"Wha- Oh my god" Maddie stopped in tracks eyeing the Steinway piano. "Can I?" She said with an excited giggle.
"Come on" I pulled her to the bench as she ran her fingers gently over the keys.
"This is crazy" She said in a whisper, as a huge smile taking over her face.
"Play something" I suggested, she looked up at me with a knowingly smile as she took a deep breath looking back at the keys. She started playing a slow tune, quickly picking it up. She took a deep breath and the next thing I know she's sing a song, I'd never heard before.

I know That my love for You is real It's somethin' true That we do Just somethin' natural that I feel When you walk in the room When you're near I feel my heart skips a beat The whole world disappears And there's just you and me Falling head over feet Let's take a chance, together-

It was amazing, the lyrics, her voice, everything came together perfectly. She closed her eyes, careful not to look back at me as she continued.
-I'll never let you down I'll always hear you out There is nothing you cannot confide,  You listen when I speak You make my knees go weak And I just want you by side.
I couldn't help but wonder if the lyrics were about me, I couldn't help but hope. As she came to an end, she kept her head down with her fingers lingering on the keys.
"That was amazing Mad" I said amazed by her talented.
"Amazing is an exaggeration" She stopped me.
"No! It's not baby, did you write that?" I asked. She nodded her head with a soft smile, "And- and the music?"
"Yeah it's dumb" She rolled her eyes shamefully.
"Stop baby! It's not dumb, or bad- it's amazing. In fact-" I stopped and pulled her up from the stool and over to the mic stand.
"What are you doing?" She laughed as I grabbed the headphones and placed them on her head.
"I want you to record it"
"Justin-" She pulled them off with a slight roll of the eyes, "-I really appreciate it, but I'm just not that good"
"Maddie!" I shouted, "-Your amazing! How many times do I have to tell you?"
"Justin please-"
"For me" I pleaded with her holding the headphones out. She rolled her eyes with a serious expression and took them from me. I let a smile take over my lips as I pecked her cheek and running into the sound room. I turned the mic on so I could speak to her.
"What am I supposed to do?" She asked looking around.
"Just sing into the mic" I laughed. She cleared her throat to start, her cheeks grew bright pink as she looked down to the ground.
"I- I know that-that my love for you is real" She muttered in a whisper. I stayed quiet as she grew more comfortable with time. 
We gonna make it 'Cause no one else can make me feel The way that you do, I promise you 
I listened as she belt out the song perfectly, until I heard the door slowly open. I cut off the mic, so she wouldn't know that Scooter and Dan were back.
"What's going on?" Dan asked sitting his coffee down. "Listen" I told the two as I turned the volume up. We all listened until Maddie finished, Scooter and Dan cheered as I walked back to the booth.
"Justin! I thought we were alone!" Maddie hissed.

Maddie's Pov:
I couldn't believe that Justin let me contiue to sing with Dan and Scooter in the room. I was mortified, how would I face them now?
"I'm sorry but don't worry about it. We all loved it" Justin smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Justin this isn't funny, they must think that I'm an idiot" I mumbled into his chest, trying to disappear in his jacket.
"Stop selling yourself so short, your so talented Mad. I wish you know" Justin tried to encourage with a kiss on my forehead. Justin lead me out of the booth were Scooter and Dan were replaying the song I had just sang.
"Justin-" I cringed at the sound.
"Wait- Maddie!" Scooter called out for me, "That was really good, and I was thinking maybe you should really record it- like the real deal" Scooter suggested.
"No I don't think so-" I sighed turning back into Justin's chest.

Uchhhh I know it took me forever to update but here ya go anyways. Next week again peeps, PROMISE



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