Ch. 29 surgery

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Songs for dis chapter:
Fall -Justin Bieber
Castle -Halsey
River flows in you -yiruma

Maddie's POV:
These hospital beds were becoming all to familiar. I couldn't believe I was back here in less than two months.

I couldn't help but wonder why god wanted the hospital to become my new home- or at least it seemed that way. When I found out I had appendicitis a wave of relief came over me, but than a whole new batch of nerves. It was the surgery part that scared me the most, but if it was gonna help relive the pain I was all for it.

That morning, Pattie showed up at the crack of dawn almost three hours before I went into surgery. Justin, Carin, and Pattie seemed to be more nervous than I was. Thank god for Scooter and his nonchalant attitude or else I don't know what would have happened.


When I went under, I couldn't feel a thing. Everything seemed to be nonexistent, like I was in my own little world until the next thing I knew I'm being blinded by a light.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor's loud booming voice echoed in the room.

I was still a little groggy from the anesthetic they gave me, so I couldn't talk.
He gently patted my shoulder turning to Pattie, Carin, Justin and Scooter.

"She's gonna be just fine, give her a few minutes to come to" He nodded before walking out.

I let out a sigh realizing what was going on. I tried to sit up, but the fresh wound made it almost impossible. Everyone ran to my side frantically trying to help me with whatever I needed.

Every time I tried to do something for myself, someone else would try to do it for me. I felt so incompetent, like I couldn't do anything for myself, and the way everyone was acting wasn't helping.

The next day:
"Let me help you" Justin jumped up as I started to grab my water cup.

"I got it!" I snapped. Everyone jerked back at my shout, I let out a sigh refusing to apologize.

Justin walked to my side ignoring my command handing me the glass, I felt uncontrable tears swell up in my eyes.
I felt bad for being so rude, while all he was trying to do was help me. And even after snapping, he still did his best.

"Can I talk to Justin alone" I asked out loud. Everyone looked around, before walking out and closing the door behind them.

"Justin-" I started.

"It's ok" He stopped me.

"Justin no it's not. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that" I stated.

"Then why did you?" He looked up at me expectantly, there was a hint of pain in his eyes.

"Because everyone's treating me like a new born baby! I'm tired of it" I cried letting a few tears slid down my cheek.

"We're just trying to help, you did just get out of surgery"

"Well I can do it myself" I bit.

"Really? How about I just leave then?"

"Fine! Go ahead!" I shouted crossing my arms.

"Fine, I'm gone" He said before turning and walking out. I sat up in bed letting tears fall down my cheeks.

I didn't know who I was more mad at, myself for being such a bitch to Justin and letting him go, or him for not understanding where I was coming from.

After a few minutes everyone returned in the room silent. They could tell by my tears and angered expression I didn't want to talk.

"I gotta run to a meeting, I'll see you later" Scooter said pecking my forehead. I waved as he gave Carin and Pattie a hug, then walking out.

"Do you need anything?" Pattie asked after a minute.

"C-can you hand me a tissue?" I asked so I could wipe my cheeks. She did so, before sitting at the edge of my bed.

"You know he was just trying to help" She blurted out.

"I know- and I didn't mean to be a bitch but-" I stopped after realizing who I was talking to. She gently laid her hand over mine in a comforting gesture.

"I feel bad, but I just don't want him- everyone to treat me like I have no sense, or that I can't do anything myself" I explained.

"I get that sweetie, but he just cares about you so much. What did he say before he left?" She asked.

"Nothing he just said um- fine I'm gone" I said thinking back to our little fight.

"You need to call him, you know he wouldn't leave like that unless he was really upset" Pattie pointed out the obvious handing me my phone.

I dialed Justin's number and listened to the rings until he picked up.

"Can you come back?" I asked.

"Why? So you get pissed every time I try to help?" He bit. I looked at Carin and Pattie, and by my expression they could tell I wanted them to leave.

After they closed the door I replied to Justin's sarcastic comment.

"I'm sorry, I just- you don't get it" I sighed holding my head in my hand.

"Don't get what Maddie?! That you just got out of surgery and you need help?" he shouted.

"That's just it! I don't need the help unless I ask-" I was loosing it.
"Then fine I don't need to be there" he hung up.

I tossed my phone to the bottom of the bed letting tears fall down my cheeks. I hated Justin being mad at me, and even worse I hated not being able to do anything about it.

Justin's Pov:
"I was just trying to help her, why can't she get that?" I asked Alfredo in frustration.

"She does but maybe she just needs to feel a sense of independence" He suggested. I knew he was right, but I still felt like she should have been a little bit more appreciative.

I let out a long sigh resting against the back of the leather studio couch as Dan played the tune to 'Fall' over and over again trying to match the sequence.

Well, did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly? Did you know that it breaks my heart every time to see you cry I hummed along.

The song made me think, it was the song I wrote for Maddie that almost missed the album but after relentless arguments with Scooter we finally found a way to get it on.
I wrote it the first month we were going out. I already knew my feelings for her were unlike any feelings I had for any other girl, and that I knew I wanted to spend my life with her. And with all shit we have gotten through together, I now knew more than anything.

"Will you help me with something?" I turned and asked Alfredo with a plan boiling in my head.

"Anything- wait what is it?" He asked cautiously.

"You'll see, come on"

Whatuppp peeps,
any of you read ya fiction, apart from wattpad? If so what are your fav reads? Mine are everything colleen hoover, all the bright places and we were liars!!

Next update will be coming tomorrow


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