Ch.9 we can't tell

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Songs for this Chapter:

1. Nothing like us -Justin Bieber

2. Heroes (we could be) -Alesso

3. Live my Life -Far East Movement ft. Justin Bieber

Madison's Pov

"Mom no!" I cried standing across the street as I watched the large truck crashed into her petite car frame. "Mom!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Please! Mommy come back!" I tried to move, I tried to run over to her and help but my feet were cemented into the paved street. I cried and struggled ending up in the same place- no where.

"No- no please come back!" I shouted waking up from the nightmare. I looked around my dark room, as I tried calming my labored breathing and shaking body. I had sweat collecting on my forehead and tears swelling in my eyes. "Not again" I mumbled under my breath.

It was the sixth night of the same repeated nightmare, I have no idea what started bring them on. Everything was going great, I've been in LA for going on three months, my relationship with Justin was amazing (expect for the fact that we haven't been allowed to go public yet), I was genuinely happy with my life but then the nightmares started.

I slowly slid off the bed and walked into the bathroom, I grabbed a washcloth from under the sink and wet it with luckwarm water. I dabbed my face clean and rested against the counter, I shut my eyes tightly and saw my mothers face. Tears sqeeuzed through my closed eyes as I slid down to the floor, I brought my knee's to my chest and let my tears slid down my bare legs.

"I miss you so much" I sobbed out loud. I rested my head against the cabinets and wiped my cheeks dry. After sitting on the cold hard floor for god knows how long, I found the strength to stumble back to bed.

The next morningI woke to my blaring alarm clock, I groaned at the thought of getting up so early after the night I had but I promise Justin to that I would be at the rehearsals for his promo show at the staples center.

I walked over to the window and saw Scooter's car gone, that meant that the two must have already left. I jumped in and out of the shower and got dressed in a pair of denim skinny jeans, a tan cami, and an over sized sweater and paired it with a pair of white vans.

I pulled my hair into a loose pony tail and put a little bit of makeup on to cover up the bags under my eyes. I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket and left the house. It was short commute to the arena, thankfully there was no traffic.

"Hey babe" Justin greeted me as I walked inside. He pulled me in his arms planting gentle kisses along my jawline. I let out a soft giggle, I loved the fact that he would always call me "babe" I hugged him back, "I'm glad your here" He said in a whisper looking behind him at the backup dancers making teasing kissy faces.

"I wouldn't miss it-"

"Justin get your ass back over here!" Scooter shouted from across the room.

"I'll see you later" He said quickly kissing my cheek before running back to the stage. I walked to the back where I saw Yael and Allison talking.

"Hey sweetie" They said in unison. I hugged them both and leaned against the wall, I couldn't help but let a few yawns escape eventually catching Yael's attention.

"Sleep well?" She asked.

"Yeah- Yeah, I just woke up really early" I said covering up for the nightmares. I didn't want to tell her and make her worry.

"I didn't hear anything coming from upstairs" She said suspiciously.

"I um- I just laid in bed watching TV" I said hoping to end the conversation, she nodded her head and walked away back to Allison. After a minute I walked to the side of the stage and watched Justin rehearse. There was sweat dripping from his forehead down to his chin, he looked exhausted but he was also wearing the biggest smile I had seen from him.

Even though i was the sweat pearls driping from his face I had to say he looked kind of hot. I bit my bottom lip bur quickly let go cause i saw Yael and Allison staring. It was him and Dan sitting on wood stools that had just been placed for them, Justin was looking over the nonexistent audience as he started performing 'Be alright'.

It's one of my favorite songs off of his new album, and I loved it when he would sing it to me when I couldn't fall asleep.

"You know that i care for you, I'll always be there for you, I promise I'll just stay right here. I know that you want me to, baby we make make it through anything. Cause everythings gonna be alright..."

The song came to an end as Justin jumped off the stool and ran to my side, "What'd you think?" He asked wiping a dry towel across his forehead before kissing my cheek.

"Ok" I teased poking out my lips.

"Your cute" He laughed taking the offer, the short kiss quickly turned into a heated, pushed up against the wall type of kiss until Justin's attention was called back to the stage. "Duty calls" He sighed pulling away. I stood back and watched him rehearse the next seven songs until they finished. But it wouldn't be over for long since the show was tonight.


"Let's go get something to eat" Justin suggested as we neared the door.

"You know we can't do that"

"Just as friends? No touching-" He said resting his hand behind my back pulling me closer, "-or kissing-" he gently pressed his lips against mine, "-or-" he slide his hand down to my butt in a teasing manner.

"Justin!" I squealed jumping back.

"Calm down, no one saw" He laughed pulling me back.

"Just as friends, I don't want to get you in trouble" I said seriously.

"Alright, come on buddy" He playfully punched my shoulder. I rolled my eyes with a soft laugh following him to his car. We got to In N Out burger soon after and quickly ordered before starting a frenzy in the small shop. A few paps were hanging out around the door waiting for our departure. I hated the paps, their flashes, and their vulgar slurs, it's the most nerve racking situation I have been in. I wanted to hide in Justin's arms, and cover my face with his jacket but I knew I couldn't do that, I had to keep my distance. When we left we started the drive back to my house.

"I have to ask you something" Justin blurted out grabbing my hand gently, I looked his way as he continued. "I want you to meet my mom tonight- at the show"

"What?" I asked in shock.

"She really wants to meet you, it's no big deal"

"It's a huge deal, what if she doesn't like me. what if she doesn't approve?!"

"She's gonna love you, trust me" Justin said running his free hand up and down my arm. I took a deep breath and hung onto his words, 'she's gonna love you' I said over and over in my head.


I love them #Jaddie



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