How You Meet

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Steve: You had been jogging around Central Park when you met him. You had been lost in your music and had not been paying any attention to where you were going. He, not looking where he was going as well, bumped into you. To Steve, it wasn't a necessarily hard bump but it was enough to take you down. He instantly stopped jogging and kneeled down next to you. "I am so sorry, ma'am!" He fretted, checking you over to make sure you were alright.

"It's alright, honestly," you said, taking his out-stretched hand. He pulls you to your feet and it's at that moment do you notice just how attractive he is. Everything about him was gorgeous, from his sparkling blue eyes to his bright smile and ripped muscles.

"How about I make it up to you? We could go get some coffee, that is, if you wanted to..." He said, a light blush sweeping his cheeks.

"I'd love to," you said with a small smile. It was at that coffee shop that the two of you had become great friends. The two of you had exchanged numbers just before he said he had to leave because of work.

Bruce: It was at the library. You were in the non-fiction section trying to find books to use for your research project. He was a little ways down the aisle and happened to see the book you had in your hand. He instantly walked up to you. "Chemistry fan?" He asked, motioning to the book in your hand.

You laughed as you continued to flip through the book. "Not at all. But, I have to take it."


"Yeah. I'm a junior at  NYU."

He nodded slightly. "I could, um," he cleared his throat, "maybe, help you if you wanted..."

"You're good with science?"


You released a sigh. "I could honestly use all the help I could get," you mumbled, staring at the floor.

He gave you a small smile and led you to a quiet nook in the corner of the library so you could discuss the project.

Clint: It was the third period on the first day of your Sophomore year of high school. Third period was Gym class. You were a new student who had transferred halfway through the school year. You walked into the gymnasium, you were given your gym clothes and were told to go change.

After stretching, the teacher gathered you all around and explained that you would be doing archery this unit. She went over the basics and told you what not to do and such. "Mr. Barton? Would you please care to demonstrate?"

A boy your age walked forward and took the bow from the teacher. He took an arrow from the quiver the was lying on the bleachers. He strung the bow as he walked towards the target. By the time he was there, he had the bow leveled, all he had to do was get in position and release. You saw him exhale as he released the arrow. Everyone watched as he walked back to the teacher, handing her the bow, not even seeming to care that the arrow was dead-center on the target.

The teacher assigned you all to a target with a couple other students. The boy was sitting on the bench next to the bow and arrows for your group. "Who's first?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. The three others at your target took a step back, leaving you as the lucky one to make a complete fool of yourself.

You sighed and walked towards the bow and took an arrow from the quiver. You aligned yourself with the target and brought the bow up and pulled back.

You felt a hand on your elbow. "Your elbow should be in line with the arrow," the boy said, raising your elbow.


It was the simple touch that had spiked the initial attraction between the two of you. You had most of your classes together and had found out his name was Clinton but most people just simply called him Clint.

Tony: You had met at one of Tony Stark's infamous parties. You had been sitting at the bar alone. Tony had sat down on the stool next to you. "You know what I want and get the pretty lady a raspberry mojito," he told the bartender and cast a wink at you.

"Hmm. Impressive. The great Tony Stark knows my preferred alcoholic beverage."

"I am pretty great. And the way to any business man's heart is through his gorgeous daughter," he said as the bartender hands you your drink.

"So, what I'm hearing is that you're using me. Is this correct, Mr. Stark?"

"That is. Although, I would like to know you're name and perhaps charm you enough as to where I could maybe get your number."

"Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N."

"Pretty name for an even more beautiful woman."

"You're pretty good at this charming stuff, you know."

"Oh, am I? How good, would you say?"

You reached behind the bar and grabbed a napkin and an ink pen. You quickly scribbled your number and handed it to him as you finished your drink. "Good enough that you could me some time." You give him a small wave as you hop off your stool and walk out, his eyes watching you the entire time.

Thor: You were sparring with Clint when you met. You and Clint swung fists and took well-aimed kicks at each other before a creak of a door interrupted the rhythmic fighting. You, being rather ADD, lost concentration and looked up to see who had walked in. Clint took the opportunity to sweep your feet from under you. You hit the mat with an OOMPH. He set his foot on your stomach. "I win," Clint said with a smirk. He pulled you to your feet and grabbed his gym bag. He walked out like he normally does after you two spar. He'll fight you until one of you wins and walk out the minute the other was back on their feet. That's just how Clint was.

"I blame you," you said to the person who had entered in the middle of your fight.

"For what?"

"I could've beat him but you distracted me!"

"My sincerest apologies," he said.

You just glared at him.

"Don't do that, m'lady."

"Why shouldn't I?" You shot back.

He gives you a warm smile. "Because have gorgeous eyes and I would like to see them."

You looked down as a soft blush covered your cheeks. "Thank you."

"My name is Thor."


"It's a pleasure to be in the presence of someone as beautiful as you," he said, taking your hand and kissing it softly

A/N: Hey, guys! This is my first preference! WOOT! Did you guys like it? I feel like Thor was a little out of character and I'm sorry about that. I couldn't help it. I mainly focus on Tony, Steve, and Clint when I read preferences! So, comment/vote! If you have any ideas for future preferences, comment them!! -med_01

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