He Sees You Cry

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Tony: You had the class as the teachers called them. The class was absolutely terrible. Always talking, always fighting. Never once listening to a word you or anyone said. You've had this group for a few weeks now and, while you had problems, you managed to not wish to stab any of them so far.

Today changed that. Today, you had walked into Stark Towers and went straight to your bedroom. You didn't even stop to say hi to Tony in the lab. You crawled under the covers and buried your face in a pillow and sobbed. The students had been cruel to you. Called you names. Told you that you were a shitty teacher. Even told you that you were a horrible mother and wife for letting your child die.

Tony eventually grew suspicious. JARVIS had told Tony that you arrived and he had waited for you to stop in before going upstairs. Thirty minutes passed and Tony got worried. He climbed up the stairs and almost instantly heard you crying. "Y/N?"

He poked his head in the bedroom before pushing the door open. "Baby girl? You okay?" He crawled up beside you and rubbed your back softly.

You sniffled and shifted so you could bury your head in his stomach. He played softly with your hair just letting you cry into his shirt.

"I'm a bad wife, Tony..."

"What? No, you aren't. Baby girl, I couldn't ask for anyone better. You would put that idea in your head?"

"Those stupid kids..."

"Y/N, they're kids! What do they know about love? They know you as a teacher. Not a wife. Not a friend. Not even as a person. You're their teacher. Those little assholes don't know what they're talking about. I love you, baby girl, and that's all that matters."

Steve: You had been reading all day. You had the last book of your favorite series and you were just about to finish it. Then the unthinkable happened, your favorite character, the other half to your OTP, died. You threw your book across the room, almost hitting Steve in the face. You stood from the couch and moved over to Steve in his chair. "Hey, darling," he greets, spreading his arms wide when he sees your sad features. You crawled into his embrace, burying your face in his shoulder.

"Why do they always die?" You mutter, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.

"Because authors thrive on tears, darling. I'm sorry your favorite died again. Why don't we watch a movie to get your mind off of it? Okay?" He asked, rubbing your arms.

You nodded, crawling off of him to go pick a movie for the two of you to watch.

Bruce: God. Work was a pain in the ass. Especially lately. You were about to lose a case. You haven't lost a case in years. Your head was throbbing and you couldn't think straight as you looked over the evidence for the fifth time that day. "Oh my God...." You muttered. The migraine was coming. You could feel it. Stress did this to you.

You stood from your desk and closed the curtains, stopping the light from piercing your eyes and making it all worse. You just laid down on the couch. Face down. Not moving. You heard the door open and your head pulsed. Shit. This was the worst migraine you've ever had. Normally, you could stand slight sounds but even something as small as a door opening set your head into a frenzy.

"Y/N?" You hear Bruce whisper.

Your head hurt so bad! You could feel the salty tears falling from your eyes. You could feel Bruce's arms around you. You were lifted slightly, just high enough so Bruce could sit down. He pulled you up so you were sitting in his lap with your face buried in his neck. Your tears stained his shirt but neither you or he seemed to care. He quietly twists a lock of your Y/H/C hair around his finger and kisses your temple softly. His silent way of saying it'll be alright.

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