How He Wakes You Up In The Morning

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Tony: To wake you up, Tony will pepper your face with kisses. It's not really the kisses that wake you though. It's the faint scratching of his facial hair against your face and chin.

Steve: He doesn't wake you up. The dogs wake you up. They'll bust down your door and jump all over the two of you, licking at your faces until you wake up to let them out to use the bathroom or to take them out for a walk.

Thor: He doesn't mean to wake you up, but he doesn't exactly walk softly. You'll be awoken by the sound of Thor thumping down the staircase to the kitchen to get a package of Poptarts.

Bruce: He'll make you breakfast. The smell of pancakes cooking on the stove is enough to get you sitting up and moving. Bruce makes amazing pancakes.

Pietro: He will bring you coffee. He sets it on the bedside table right next to you and the aroma will bring you to your senses.

Clint: You have a habit of sleeping through your alarm. So, if you still aren't up thirty minutes after your alarm goes off, Clint will grab Tabitha on your stomach and she will sit there and prod your stomach until you are forced to wake up.

Bucky: He just doesn't wake you up. You're usually up before him anyway. If by some odd chance that he is up before you, he'll just lay there and cuddle you until you're awake.

Okay. So, I have had an idea. I could make an Avenger Actor book of preferences. Like, it would be preferences/imagines about Sebby instead of Bucky or Jeremy instead of Clint. Good idea or bad idea? Would you guys read it?

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