You Die

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Tony: He knew he should've never broken up with you. He had instantly regretted it, but he knew you wouldn't have him back. Two days later, you turned up missing and a ransom note on the door of your sister's house.

Tony had gone out for a drive. Maybe go see your sister and see how she was doing. Mainly, Tony just needed to get out of the city. But, maybe, just maybe, he should've stayed home... He instantly slammed on the brakes when he saw the flash of your Y/H/C hair. He didn't even bother to pull off the road. He just ran from his side of the car to the ditch.

Your bruised and battered body lay motionless in the ditch. A kneeling Tony sank back, sitting on his heels in defeat upon finding no pulse, finding not even a bit of life in you. He pushed a piece of hair from your face, away from the bloody gash on your forehead.

What did he ever do to deserve this? He knows he might not have been the best person in the world but he sure as hell did not deserve to have the one girl he was actually in love with die.

Tony didn't even know he was crying. Not until a salty tear fell onto your still face. And once he knew they were there, he could do nothing to stop them.

Steve: As a supporter of equality for homosexuals, you had participated in a march in New York City. But, there is always someone who disagrees, now isn't there? There had been a shooter threatening to kill a couple who had been waiting 20 years for the right to marry. You had stepped in front of them as the shooter pulled the trigger. You were killed instead.

Steve saw a playback of it on the news. He dropped the remote on the floor. His jaw had fallen and his heart broke. He screamed and he screamed loud. He grabbed his shield from where it sat beside the couch and threw it angrily at the wall. In a moment, with his jaw clenched tight, he was pulling on his suit. He grabbed his shield from the wall and stormed out of the house. Steve was going to track this man down and make him sorry for ever shooting you.

One call, that was all he needed to get the information on your killer. Steve was out searching, anger in his heart and fire in his eyes. He was out for blood.

Thor: Thor knew he shouldn't have let you go on that road trip with your friends. You were killed in a car accident. Thankfully, you died on impact. Thor was happy in his sadness that you didn't suffer and that your end was a quick one.

When Thor found out, he was over at Tony's with the other guys. He just sort of shut down. He wouldn't move. Wouldn't talk. Clint actually thought he stopped breathing for a moment. Tony had to pry the phone from Thor's strong grip just to find out what happened. When he did, Tony just swallowed hard and laid the phone back on the table before saying a quick, "Y/N's dead."

Thor buried his face in his hands, not saying a word, rubbing his eyes so the others wouldn't know he was crying silently. He quickly got up, leaving Stark Tower silently to sit at home in his misery.

Bruce: It slowly took over you, the cancer. Then, one day, you seemed to be getting better. Bruce had plans to take you out to dinner when you were released from the hospital. And that's what he did. When your body released from the hospital and sent to the morgue, Bruce took a picture of you with this big smile on your face to your favorite restaurant. He just ate quietly, making sure he ordered your favorite for himself.

When the waiter asked where the other for your table for two was, Bruce just sadly replied, "She won't be making it..." He looked at the picture he had set out beside him on the table and bit his lip, trying to contain the salty tears within his eyes. The waiter took his glass silently, giving Bruce a sad look.

Bruce never got his bill that night. The waiter said there would be no charge. Not tonight. Bruce just smiled sadly and muttered a quiet "Thank you" before walking out to his car. He didn't start the engine. Not yet. He just sat there in silence, taking everything in.

Pietro (I'M BRINGING BACK THE TEARS FROM THAT ONE PREVIOUS CHAPTER): He didn't believe it. He thought this was just another one of your elaborate pranks and you would run up to him from behind and everything would be alright. But, when a few others expressed their condolences to him, it all began to set in.

Wanda held him back so he couldn't run to your casket and tear off the lid, just to make sure it was actually you. She just turned him away as he screamed at your casket over and over again, "You promised!" You promised to return alive. You promised everything would be okay. You promised that you would be with him forever.

Pietro wept into his sister's shoulder. It wasn't fair. His princess, his everything, was gone. Wanda just sadly played with a strand of his tousled white hair. She had to dab a few tears from her eyes at the sight of her brother's heart torn to pieces and seeing her beloved sister-in-law carried away in a wooden box.

Clint: He was supposed to protect you. No matter what, he was supposed to protect you. But, what did he do? He failed. He was called away on a mission and, although he was reluctant due to the fact that there was an escaped serial killer on the loose, you claimed that you would be okay.

Then it showed up in the news. He was just sitting with Natasha in their hotel room, flipping through channels on the TV when he saw your face with the caption, 'Girl Killed By Escaped Convict'. Clint's grip on his bow tightened then loosened. "It's just a lie..." he kept mumbling over and over again. Natasha just pulled him into a tight hug. "Nat..." He mumbled against her shoulder.


"Can we go kill him?"

"Yes. Absolutely," she said, looking at Clint sadly.

Clint sniffed and nodded, wiping a tiny tear from his cheek before going off to polish his arrows, making sure he was prepared for revenge.

Bucky: He was out for a jog with Steve when his phone started to ring. It was your ringtone so, of course, he answered the call. But, he was really confused when it was your mother talking instead of you. Suicide. Your mother had found you dead in your bed with a bottle of pills on the floor. The call cut and Bucky just stopped and sat down where he was.

Steve stopped when he noticed Bucky had stopped. "What's the matter?" He asked, standing over Bucky.

"She's dead..." He muttered in shock, almost not believing what he had just said. Steve sat there next to him. Letting his best friend cry all he wished. But, Bucky didn't cry. He just stared into the distance as his heart shattered into a thousand pieces where he sat. Then, he just sort of, fell over. He slowly started to lean and then his head hit the soft green grass on the edge of the sidewalk. There, where he lay in the grass, he cried for the first time in what felt like forever. He screamed into the dirt, letting whoever stared, stare. He didn't care. Bucky was breaking and he didn't care who the hell knew it.

Sorry if not all of you agree with the whole gay rights thing, but I support it. If you're in love, I think you should have the same rights as everyone else. It doesn't matter if you have the same parts. Do they make you happy? If the answer is yes, I say you should be able to marry them. Even if they are another man or another woman. I think it's ridiculous if you can't realize that love is love no matter what. *cough cough* MOTHER! She's a homophobic and with a gay(?) son, you would think she would be a little more open to the idea. I add the question mark after gay because I'm not 100% sure if Brother is gay but I'm pretty sure and I'm happy that he will find another that makes him happy! PLEASE DON'T HATE OR STOP READING BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME.

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