Pregnancy Cravings

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Tony: You woke Tony up at two in the morning only to tell him that you wanted crackers. He said you didn't have crackers and when he was told to go get you some, he said no and told you to go back to sleep. He would get your crackers in the morning.

Steve: Steve was up anyway. So, when you sat up, begging Steve for a banana-chocolate milkshake from Steak 'n' Shake, he gladly went to get you one and even brought back a vanilla malt for himself.

Thor: You wanted chocolate covered peanuts. But when Thor went to get them from the store, they were out so he brought you Reese's cups. You were grumpy and craving chocolate covered peanuts so you told Thor to go get some and not to be back until he found

Bruce: You wanted apple juice. That's all you wanted. It was midnight and the grocery store was closed. So, Bruce got in his car and drove to McDonalds and got you apple juice. You had it gone in a matter of minutes. Thankfully, Bruce got multiple orders of apple juice.

Pietro: Pietro was ordered to get you a chicken Caesar salad one morning. He promptly told you that no one had chicken Caesar salads at seven in the morning. You claimed that you didn't care and that he needed to find someone who had them because you really wanted one.

Clint: You and Clint had gone grocery shopping and he had to tell you that, no, you could not get five boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. He actually had to drag you out of the cereal aisle and pry the box of cereal he did let you get from your hands at the check-out.

Bucky: All you wanted to eat was mashed potatoes. For three days, all you ate were mashed potatoes for three meals and whenever you wanted a snack. Bucky was constantly having to go buy instant mashed potatoes. One time, he came home to see you actually trying to make mashed potatoes from the frozen French fries in the freezer.

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