Guess Who Got Tagged!

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So, if you can't tell, I got tagged! YAY! I don't know. I feel bad for doing this and not preferences, but I promise to try to post the next group of preferences later or tomorrow! But, anyway.

Who tagged me?



> Gotta post these rules!

     >You must tag 13 people

     >You must post 13 facts

     >You must make 13 questions

     >You must answer 13 questions


1. I'm in band and I play the trumpet =3

2. I have a minor addiction with HGTV and the Property Brothers.

3. I have a self-esteem lower than Dan Howell's jeans.

4. I doodle a lot when I get nervous.

5. I have an older brother who left some pretty big shoes for me to fill.

6. I'm #1 in my class.

7.  I absolutely hate math but I'm  REALLY good at it.

8. I have a very proper speaking voice that makes me sound British sometimes. (People call me posh because of it)

9. Cats are literally my life. I have 6 of them....

10.  I've been cast as Ouiser Boudreaux in my high schools theater production of Steel Magnolias.

11. I'm a golfer and I am constantly reminded of how lame that is by everyone in my school.

12. My mother hates everything about my life choices because I'm not a cookie-cutter girl.

13. Music is what gets me through the day. I'm always singing some song in my head so I don't have to think about all the things that I have to do.

Questions That I Am Supposed To Answer:

1. Favorite Memory?

We had a slope in our Middle School and on our last day of 8th grade year, my best friend and I slid down it. I mean, it didn't end well. We skinned our elbows and I ripped the knees of my jeans and got yelled at by one of the office ladies. But, it was the last day of school. What were they going to do? Suspend us?

2. First Fandom?

39 Clues. I think. I'm not entirely sure, I mean, that was a long time ago people.

3. Country you live in?

AMERICA!!!!!!!! FREEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm a very proud American.)

4. Nicknames?
Satan, MadDawg, and MadderDawg. Satan is my most popular.

5. Pet Peeve?

1. When people pop their necks  and 2. When people use your pet peeves against you.

6. Favorite Book/Movie?

Hecky-Deck.... I have no idea.... It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini, Proxy by Alex London, anything by Rick Riordan, and Hate List by Jennifer Brown for books. Basically anything Marvel and My Neighbor Totoro (Weird af, but a really good movie) for my favorite movies. OH! AND DON'T FORGET DISNEY!!!

7. What grade are you in?

I'm a Freshman in high school. (That's 9th grade)

8. Pets?

Six cats. All precious. Especially my Sebastian =}

9. Sibilings?

I have one older brother who is literally me but male and like 20....

10. Talents?

I guess writing? I'm pretty good at color guard. I don't really have any talents...

11. Sports yay or nay?

Yay. I do play sports. I hate watching them though.

12. Favorite  food?

Fries. I love French fries. But, like, I only like the thick, straight cut fries. I dunno. It's weird.

13. Fandoms?






Death Note

Supernatural (kinda)

There's probably more that I can't think of right now....

Questions That I'm Asking Those I Tag!

1. What's your favorite color?

2. Favorite band?

3. OTP?

4. Hobbies?

5. What's your favorite book genre?

6. Favorite fictional character?

7. Any fandoms people don't expect from you?

8. Favorite actor?

9. Quote you live by?

10. Favorite animal?

11. Do you do the sport?

12. Favorite scent? (That's random. I'm sorry)

13.  What's your #1 fandom?


1. TheShadowoftheOcean

2. Lydikitteh

3. directioner490

4. CawCaw_MotherHawker

5. MadisonJones736

6. angiehoran1

7. fangirlwriters

8. Miss_Heidi

9. Alpha_And_Omega_X

10. Agent_Amzy

11. HiddleBatch221B

12. hic_jack_hiro_dashi

13. macilane011

If I didn't tag you, go ahead and do it anyway, if you want.

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