He Rescues/ Helps You

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Clint: It was late one night as you were walking home from work. It would've been perfect if someone hadn't have grabbed you and pulled you into a dark alley {Shut up. I know that's cliché}. Two hands were placed roughly on your waist as another pair of hands started attempting to take your clothes off. You tried to swing a few punches at your attackers but one of them grabbed you by the wrists and holds them above your head. You release a yelp from the painful way your arms were twisted to be put over your head. "You're a very pretty girl," one of the men growls in an attempt to be seductive.

"I know. Now, get your filthy hands off of her or else you'll have an arrow through your eye," you hear a voice say. "And may I remind you, I don't miss."

"Clint!" You shout.

"I ain't scareda you!" One of the men said.

Clint released an arrow and hit the man in the hand. "Next time, it goes through your heart. Now, let her go," Clint growled, notching another arrow.

The other man looked at his friend then at Clint before pushing you away towards Clint. "You okay?" Clint asked as he made you  get behind him.


"Okay, let's go  home."

Pietro: You and Pietro were out getting coffee. You sat outside with your purse on the back of your chair waiting for Pietro. There was a small tug on your chair. You swung your head around to see some guy running off with your purse. Pietro came out of the coffee shop and saw the guy running with your purse. He set the coffees down in front of you.

"This idiot," he grumbled, running off behind the attacker. You saw him hold out his hand for the purse. When Pietro didn't get the purse, he punched the man in the jaw, taking your purse and walking away with it. He handed it to you. "Here you are, princess," Pietro said.

"Thank you," you say, smiling brightly and kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome."

Tony: You and Tony were in the lab, working on one of his suits. He had run up stairs to find one of his screwdrivers he had used to  fix one of the kitchen cabinets he broke while you were at work. You were trying to wire something when the suit whirred to life. "Tony, I fixed it!" You shout up the stairs.  There was more whirring and the suit raised it's hand. Shit... You ducked behind a table. "Never mind!" You yell.

There was  the sound of glass shattering as suit destroyed the picture window. "Tony! Get your ass down here!" You shout.

"I'm coming. God. Now, what- Oh...." Tony muttered, looking at the mess the suit made. He lunged behind the table next to him as the suit charged up and destroying part of the staircase. "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know! It's your suit!"

Tony peaked over the top of the table before releasing a yelp and ducking back down. The glass compartments and a few of Tony's gadgets fell to the floor in shambles. "Upstairs. Now," Tony  muttered.

"What? No!"

"God dammit! Why can't you do as I ask for once, Y/N!?"

"Because I am trying to help you!"

"Yeah? Well, you won't be helping the situation or me when that thing kills you! Now, get your ass upstairs!" Tony shouts.

"Be careful..." You mutter.

"No promises."

You huff, kissing him lightly before making a mad dash to what was left of the staircase. You pulled yourself up and ran up the stairs just before the suit blew up the spot where you just were. You paced upstairs, listening to the ruckus that was happening down in the lab. Lots of things breaking, even more yelling from Tony.

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