He/You Sleep Walks/Talks

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Tony: Tony woke up in the middle of the night when he felt you shift away from him. The bed dipped then went back up. He sleepily watched as you walked away. He rubbed his eyes, sitting up slowly before getting out of bed completely. He followed you around until eventually you walked out on the balcony. He just watched you weirdly. You kept getting closer and closer to edge, and leaned over the edge a bit. "No! No, Y/N!" Tony shouted, running towards you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you away. "Why the hell would you do that?!" He shouted, shaking your shoulders. You said nothing. Tony noticed your eyes were closed. "Are you seriously sleep walking!? Come on. Back to bed," Tony grumbled, pulling you back to bed, not once letting you out of his grasp. 

Steve: "Steve, why are you throwing couches around with Bucky again?" You mumble in your sleep.

Steve just looked over at you, putting his book down. "I-I'm not...?"

"Stop! That's our couch! Steve! Put it down!" You shout, clearly angered that Steve was throwing your couch around with Bucky. "No! Not in the ocean! I don't care if you think a seal will enjoy it more than us! It's our couch!"

"I didn't give our couch to a seal, Y/N. It's still in the living room. Like always."

"I can't believe you, Steve," you grumbled before falling silent again.

Thor: Thor rolled awake and stared at the clock, blinking multiple times to bring himself fully awake. He had heard the shower turn on. "Lady Y/N, why are you bathing at two in the morning?" Thor grumbles, flopping his head back in his pillow.

Thirty minutes later, you still weren't out. Thor pushed himself out of bed and wandered into the bathroom to see you sitting fully clothed in the shower letting the cold water wash over you. "What are you doing?" Thor asks, pulling your sleeping self from the shower, drying you off the best he could with a towel. He led you back to bed after he got you into dry clothes.

Bruce: One night you were awoken to Bruce muttering in fluent Italian, "Mio cara, fermata gettare le cose al polpo. Lui e nostro ospite." You understood nothing after 'Mio cara' meaning 'My dear'. The next morning you got on your laptop and typed it into Google translate. You learned that 'Mio cara, fermata gettare le cose al polpo. Lui e nostro ospite,' translates to, 'My dear, stop throwing things at the octopus. He's our guest.' Why you had an octopus over, you don't know and Bruce couldn't remember to save his life.

Pietro: You were awoken by Pietro singing loudly in his sleep. "But there's something about her. And you don't know why. But you're dying to try. You wanna kiss the girl!"

"Pietro... Why are you singing The Little Mermaid....?" You muttered sleepily.

"Yes, you want her. Look at her, you know you do. Possible she wants you too. There is one way to ask her. It don't take a word. Not a single word. Go on and kiss the girl."

"Stop...." You groan, hiding your head under your pillow attempting to block out the sound of Pietro singing horribly off-key.

"Sha la la la la la. My oh my. Look like the boy too shy. He ain't gonna kiss the girl. Sha la la la la la...." He fell asleep muttered 'la' over and over and over again.

Clint: Clint kept smacking you in the  middle of the night and muttering things. You eventually woke up, trying to figure out what he could've possibly wanted. You looked over at him and he was signing things wildly in the air. "Clint... Stop... Speak English, please."

"They're stampeding again," he mumbled.


"The duck-bills...."

"What are you even talking about?"

"The... the hadrosaurs. They're stampeding again. Make 'em stop, babe. They're disturbing my sleep..."

"And you're disturbing mine," you grumble. "Wait... why are you dreaming about hadrosaurs?"

You grabbed the book off the bedside table next to him. He was reading Jurassic Park. Now you understood. "Just don't let the T-Rex eat you, okay, Clint?" You mumble, going back to sleep, letting Clint whine about the hadrosaurs all he wanted.

Bucky: "TROLL!" You heard Bucky shout. You sat straight up. He scared the shit out of you. "Troll! In the dungeon! Y/N! We have to go slay the troll!" Bucky shouted, grabbing you by the arm. He pulled you out of bed and sleep walked you down the hall and to the living room.

"Bucky..." You said as he started searching the living room for the 'troll'. "Bucky!"

His eyes snapped open and he just looked at you tiredly. "Y/N, what are we doing in the living room?"

"Well, I was dragged in here to help you 'slay a troll'."

"What are you talking about?" He mutters.

You roll your eyes. "Never mind. Can we just go back to bed?"

He led you back to  bed and slept peacefully the rest of the night.

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