Your Pets

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Tony: He got you a German Shepard for your birthday. He knew how much you had wanted one growing up but your parents never let you. So, he surprised you a beautiful German Shepard that you named Dodger.

Steve: You got Steve two labs. A golden one named Lady and a black one named Sam. Steve loves the dogs almost as much as he loves you.

Clint: Clint is surprisingly NOT a dog person. He has a special place in his heart for Tabitha, the little tabby cat you adopted from the shelter.

Bruce: He wanted a lizard. He really wanted a lizard. So, one week while you were away on a business trip, he went out and got one. When you got home, you were surprised to see Bruce sitting on the couch with a Baby Bearded Dragon just casually watching TV. Bruce named him Julian.

Thor: Sadly, your apartment complex doesn't allow pets. But, the two of you are looking for a house and you already have your eyes on a miniature collie pup.

Pietro: When you moved in together, you brought you calico named Stuart with you. But, Pietro doesn't like cats so, he went out and got a Mastiff. He named it Uno, claiming it was his one true love. Apart from you of course. {Uno as a puppy is above. Maybe.}

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