First Kiss

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Tony: Tony pulled into your driveway and hopped out of the car. He was dropping you off from your second date. He jogged around to your side of the car and opened your door. He took you by the hand, helping you from the car.

"I had a nice time tonight, Tony," you say as he leads you to the front door of your house.

"Me too. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" He asks, hoping you would agree to a third date.

"I would enjoy that."

Tony smiles. "Y/N/."


"You have something... right... there," he mumbles, touching your lips.

You ducked your head, blushing. "This is embarrassing...."

"No, no, no. I got it," he mutters, lifting your chin up and brushing your lips with his thumb, leaning closer to you. He pressed his lips to yours softly. Soon, your lips were moving in perfect synchronization.

He pulled back with a bright smile on your face. "You know, I must say, you are one hell of a kisser," Tony said, smiling at you.

Steve: For your one month anniversary, Steve took you dancing. He had always wanted to take you dancing but never got around to it because he always seemed to be out on a mission. He finally got to have his dance with a special girl.

He was pleasantly surprised when he learned just how well you could ballroom dance. "I'm sorry," he muttered as he stepped on your toes.

You just laughed. "It's fine. Don't worry about it," you say, looking up at the top of his head as he watches your feet.

You smiled lightly. It was really cute. He wasn't lying when he said he didn't know how to dance. You were leading him through dance after dance and he was stepping on your toes less and less.

You were sitting over at a table, watching some of the others dance, taking a break, when Steve approached you. He bowed gracefully and held a hand out towards you. "May I have this final dance, Y/N?"

You smiled at him. "You may."

He grins, taking your hand in his, leading you onto the dance floor. "Y/N?"


"May I kiss you?"

"You may," you say with a smile.

Steve leans down and kisses you in the middle of the dance floor.

Clint: Clint had taken you to SHIELD HQ. You were supposed to help him with training so, the two of you were sparring. He was really scared that he would hurt you but when you returned the first punch with one of your own, not taking even a moment of hesitation, he decided you were an adequate sparring partner.

One punch after another was exchanged between you two. He eventually tackled you to the ground. You released a faint 'oomph' as you hit the ground flat on your back and before Clint could catch himself, he fell on top of you, his lips smashing against yours. He pulled back quickly, rocking up so he sat on his heels.

He held a finger to his lips. His eyes were wide as he looked at you. "I am so sorry!" He fretted, his cheeks heating up.

You couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Clint asked, his eyes narrowing at you.

"Our... Our first kiss was a total accident. I dunno, I find it funny for some reason," you say through your laughter as you sit up.

By the end, even he couldn't help but laugh at the fact. But, Clint gave you your second kiss to make up for the first.

Bruce: You and Bruce were walking around the carnival, his hand in yours. "Would you like to maybe go on the ferris wheel?" He asks you as you walk along.

You nod excitedly. You loved ferris wheels. You don't know why, you just do. So, you and Bruce wait in line for the ferris wheel. You handed over your tickets to the man at the gate and he let you two on.

You snuggled up close to Bruce as he put an arm around you. The two of you just watched the world go by, completely silent, enjoying each other's presence.

The ferris wheel stopped when we reached the top. You looked up at the stars and smiled. "Beautiful.." you breathed.

"I know," he muttered, staring at you.

"What?" You ask staring at you.

"You're beautiful," he mumbles pushing a piece of hair out of your face. He leans closer, cupping your face gently. He pulled your face close to yours and pressed his lips lightly against yours, kissing you slowly as the ride began to move again.

Pietro: Pietro carried the picnic basket up the hill, walking alongside you. When you reached the spot at the top of the hill under the willow tree, you smoothed out the blanket and Pietro sets the basket down. "You picked a wonderful spot, Princess," he says, sitting down next to you.

"Thank you, Pietro," you say, unpacking that basket.

He smiled at you, taking his sandwich from your hands. "Turkey and Swiss on rye," you say as he looks it over.

"My favorite, Princess." He smiled at you, his eyes moving down to your lips for a second before looking back into your eyes.

You smiled at him, resting your head on his shoulder while you ate. When you both had finished he cleared his throat. "I love you, Princess, you know that right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to make sure. You love me, Princess?"

"Yes, Pietro. I love you. Now, seriously, what is this all about?"

Pietro said nothing. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him. "Princess? Would it be okay of I kissed you?" He whispers, brushing his lips against yours with every word.

To answer his question, you lean up and close the distance between the two of you, moving your lips in perfect sync with his.

Thor: You and Thor were playing on the swings in the park. He was pushing you higher and higher on the swing set. He watched with a smile on his face as he listened to you giggle in joy as you swung. But then, Thor stops the swing abruptly. You turn to look at him with confusion on your face.

"Lady Y/N. The Man of Iron said that when you really like a woman you should tell her and then kiss her."


"Yes... So, Lady Y/N, I really like you. A lot. It might even be that other 'L' word Eye of Hawk was speaking of..."

"Love, Thor?"

"Yes. That was it..."

"I love you too, Thor."



Thor cupped your face in his big hands, leaning in and pressing his soft lips to yours gently. He pulled back with a big grin on his face. "That was amazing, Lady Y/N."

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