Loki Laufeyson (Part 3)

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How He Turns You On: Loki is honestly a true gentleman despite popular belief. He never fails to lean away from you so he can give you this look full of lust and want but also warmth. The simple way he raises his eyebrows ever so slightly and the way his eyes take on a look of almost sadness, his silent way of asking for your permission before he takes things any further. The look in his eyes is enough to make you kneeling for him (I couldn't help it).

Your Pets: You've been volunteering at the local shelter a lot lately. Why? Because there was the cutest Boxer you have ever seen. One day, you walked in, asking to take the Boxer for a walk only to find out that he had been adopted earlier that day. So, you solemnly walked home, opening the apartment door to see Loki lying on the floor under the Boxer. "I now understand why you like this creature so much..." He muttered, staring up into the face of Tristan, the dog that Loki had adopted for you

You're Asked About In An Interview: He will either refuse to make any comment about you or he'll make up lies about what the public wants to hear. He'll say all sorts of things just so he can get the interviewers off his back about you. He wants your relationship to be the two of you with no outside input.

He Sees You Cry: You and Loki were packing up your stuff so you could move to your college dorm. Boxes and boxes filled the room. You were digging through your closet trying to find your box of books to take with you. You found a box of books, just the wrong one. You pulled off the lid and gasped. You hadn't seen these books in years and here they were in a box at the back of your closet. You picked up the first one, looking the cover over. You stared at the boy on the cover, holding a sword as he stood in a raging ocean. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. And the rest of books. Your childhood. The books that brought you so many smiles to your face.

You saw a droplet fall onto the cover. You hadn't realized you had been crying. Loki came and put an arm around you, wiping the stray tears from your face. "I've missed these so much..." You whispered, leafing through the pages.

"Well, I guess we know what books you're taking with you," Loki said, pushing a piece of your hair out of your eyes. He rummaged through the box and pulled out Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. "I couldn't believe they made me the bad guy... You try to take over Earth one time!" He shouts in exasperation.

You giggle slightly, wiping your eyes. You sort through the rest of the books in the box, smiling at the cover art that you loved so much. "I'm taking these with me... Even though I'll probably cry."

"You'll be okay, my love," he said quietly, kissing your cheek softly.

"I know..."


Another Avenger Walks In On You: His finger tips ran down your sides, sending shivers up your spine while Loki's warm lips connected with your neck. The soft nibbles he gave your sensitive skin made your lips part, ready to make a noise, but a long delicate finger rested against your lips, shushing you silently. It was then that you remembered just where you were. An Asgardian party hosted by Thor. He had made sure that his brother had received an invitation and Loki, of course, dragged you along. The two of you were hidden away in one of the many rooms of the palace, your dress in a pool around your feet, Loki's jacket on the floor behind him, shirt ready to join.

"Brother!" Thor shouted from the hallway.

Loki cursed quietly against your skin. "Be very still. Perhaps he will go away..." He mumbled, kissing you softly but with a hidden ferocity.

But, to no avail. The "pest of a brother", as Loki so often lovingly called him, came barreling through the doorway. Loki grabbed his jacket, draping it over your shoulders so that the back was covering your front. Thor's eyes widened as his cheeks tinged red under his blonde hair. Loki gave you a look of pure annoyance before looking upon his brother.

"My apologies, brother," Thor stumbled.

"No, no. We are the ones at fault. We did, after all, run off and leave your party," Loki chided.

"I would've too, if I were you. My apologies once more for... um.... interrupting. I shall be going..." He muttered before leaving the room.

Loki huffed and rolled his icy eyes as the door closed once more. "Sometimes he can be such a pain in my ass..." He grumbled before lifting your chin to capture your smiling lips once more.

Wedding Dress: LOOK AROUND!

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