04: rude and mean douchebag

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I widened my eyes and kept coughing loudly in attempt to get rid of the water which was still in the wrong place.

Serena quickly rushed over to me and braced me firmly patting my back while glaring at Jungkook for coming in unsolicitedly.

But he didn't bother. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared me down until I could breathe properly again and the colour of my face went back to normal.

Scratch the statement about feeling better. I felt a lot worse now.

I stared back at him but not into his eyes. He looked too intimidating right now with the blazing expression in his eyes.

I couldn't actually believe that he was right here, right now in the same room as me. Why would he bother to come down here?

He had changed from his stage outfit into an all black fit. Or at least it seemed black in my sight. Black skinny slacks with a belt around his waist and a long-sleeved plain shirt tugged into it. He wore big black boots and a huge black coat which let him look ten times bigger and scarier than he already did.

He had put on a black cap, its peak throwing a shadow on his face making him seem even more intimidating as only his eyes stood out piercing me with a spiteful gaze.

I was convinced that if there weren't any witnesses he'd rip my head off. And I didn't even know why.

I couldn't explain why he seemed to be so angry with me.

"How dare you film at our concert even though it is strictly prohibited?", he finally spoke, his sonorous voice sounding through the room.


What filming? I didn't record anything. I knew it was prohibited so why would I do it anyway? And why was he so upset about it?

"I didn't film anything", I said confused and my throat still ached from all the coughing.

"Then why did you hold up your phone during the concert?", he asked sending me another death glare.

My phone? I was still perplexed but then I realized what he meant. And also why that hulk was gesturing frantically at me. They thought I was taking a video of the concert.

I was about to politely apologise and tell him it was a misunderstanding even though he was the one who just barged in and disrespectfully accused me of something I hadn't done.

But then I remembered an important detail before my accident.

He was the one who sprayed me with water and threw the bottle at me which resulted in me getting a concussion and probably a black eye.

"You're one to talk", I sneered earning a surprised look from him, "you threw a water bottle at me!"

Now he was the one who didn't know what was going on.

"Is that why you ended up here?", he asked puzzled.

"Of course not", I spat rolling my eyes, "one of your crazy fans freaked out while trying to catch the water bottle. While doing so she shoved her elbow into my face and knocked me out."

"And you're not one of those crazy fans?", was the only thing he had to comment with scorn in his voice. I was filled with indignation.

"What? No!", I exclaimed.

"Then why would you be in the first row at my concert?", he asked arching an eyebrow, knowing exactly he could get to me like that.

Even though I was angry at him the question was justified.

I just went to the concert because Yejin kept begging me to join her since she didn't want to go by herself. I didn't want to go because I hated crowded places. They stressed me. But then I agreed so she'd stop bugging me.

I knew BTS and I also liked a few of their songs but I wouldn't call myself a fan and certainly not crazy.

"Ugh what does it matter to you anyway?", I said not bothering to explain all that to him, "I didn't film anything, okay? You can check if you want." I felt exhausted and only wanted my peace.

"I don't care", he said shrugging, but he was still boiling with anger, "fact is that you are obsessed with me."

"What?", I asked angered, "and you are a rude and mean and... a total douchebag!"

I felt treated unfair. And that I hated the most. None of this was my fault.

I was pretty worked up about this and the bump on my forehead was pulsating painfully. I began to see dark spots dancing in my vision. This was too much strain for me.

"You-", Jungkook wanted to hurl another accusation at me but Serena stringently cut him off.

She had observed our conversation carefully from the back of the room ready to intervene if necessary. Like right now.

"That's enough!", she said in a stern voice stepping forward, "she's in no condition for this."

Right after that frigging Park Jimin came in scanning the room with his eyes and quickly understanding what the situation was.

By the time now I wasn't even surprised anymore that just one of the BTS members would pop in.

"Come on, Jungkook. Leave it", he said softly and put one arm around the taller man's shoulder, "let's go."

At first Jungkook stiffened but then he relaxed a little and glared one last time at me. He snorted and turned around to go.

Jimin nodded towards Serena and winked at me before giving me a small flirty smile and then left the room with Jungkook.

I blushed and looked flustered down at my hands while my head was spinning from all the questions and emotions racing through my mind.

Serena gently placed the cooling pack back on my swelling making me hiss at the contact.

What the heck was going on?

"Your friend is almost here", she informed me after a short silence and I nodded.

I was so embarrassed for stooping so low. I was normally a very friendly and attentive person towards strangers.

Jungkook though, ... he knew exactly how to push my buttons. That guy was so infuriating. Just thinking about him made my cheeks heat up in wrath. But the carousel of thoughts in my head was brought to a halt when-


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