09: dark chocolate brown eyes

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"So when would you like to do it?", Serena asked looking at me as if I would break at the slightest touch.

But I wanted to get it over with. As soon as possible.

"Today?", I asked hoping it would work with their tight schedule if I just showed up wanting to look into his eyes.

How ridiculous.

"I think that should be fine. He'll make time for you", she said nodding, "I just have to-"

"But don't bug him because of me", I quickly cut her off. I really didn't want to be another victim of his wrath because I was the reason that he misses out on anything.

"Don't worry about it. I just have to make a few calls", she reassured me but I still felt uneasy about it.

"Okay", I mumbled reclining and watched her leave the room to make a phone call.

I wasn't ready for this. Physically and mentally. I'd need at least a month recover from all this.

I looked at my desk and groaned. Ignoring my work for college did not make it any less. How was I ever going to catch up on the missed content?

Before I could rack my brain any more Serena walked back in.

"All set. We can go now", she nodded at me smiling.

"What? Like right now?", I asked widening my eyes.

"Yes, is that a problem?", she asked confused furrowing her eyebrows.

"I look like I just came back from a three-day field trip with no showers!", I said loudly, "I need to go for a shower first."

An amused smile curled up on her lips and she sighed.

"Fine, you have twenty minutes", she yielded.

Wow, that's going to be a quick shower.

"I'll take care of your mum in the meantime", she informed me.

I haven't even thought of that. What was I going to tell her?

"Are you...?"

"I'm not going to tell her the truth. I can't", she said, "not now at least. I'll come up with something good."

She gave me a comforting smile and I nodded relieved. She opened the door but turned back around when I called her name.

"Serena?" "Yes?"

"Thank you", I said quietly and had to quickly look away. She acknowledged it with a light bob of her head.before she really left.

Then I got ready at the speed of light trying not to strain my head too much.

And exactly twenty minutes later I walked into the kitchen wearing a grey oversized jumper and black pants.

My comfort outfit.

I also didn't own any coloured clothes since I couldn't see the colours anyway. So everything I had was either black, white or grey. Scientifically those weren't even considered to be colours.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you have the chance to apply for an internship at BigHit!", Yejin squealed almost running me over.

An internship?

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