13: the internship

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Dear Miss Son,

Thank you for cooperating and filling out the questionnaire we sent you. It made it a lot easier for us to create a schedule which will hopefully suit both of you.

Said schedule is added to this e-mail as a pdf document.

Please check it carefully and inform us immediately if there are any adjustments you want or need to make.

Thank you in anticipation!

Yours faithfully,
Kim Sejin

>open pdf<

I sighed putting down my phone.

This was so weird and formal. Since this was a very personal matter I was disappointed that I was treated like a journalist who wants an interview with Jeon Jungkook.

But I was his soulmate.

However, I already knew this was coming. I knew he was a very busy man and even I was struggling to find time between all the studying I had to catch up on.

For the whole week I had problems concentrating on something for a longer period of time because of my head injury. Or maybe because of the fact that I found my soulmate, who just happens to be a worldwide famous singer. Or maybe both.

I picked my phone back up and quickly scanned the schedule. It mostly consisted of times and dates where Jungkook and I were supposed to get to know each other.

Probably so that we would learn to be able to look comfortably into each other's eyes. I'm going to have a hard time doing that.

But one appointment confused me. The day seemed to be scheduled for a show or a filming of something. It was at the beginning of next month so nothing that I wanted to be concerned about right now. It only shortly caught my eye.

The rest of the dates were okay. Many of them were at the weekend which I usually used as study time for my exams but I didn't want to be noisy and ask them to change it.

It's not like I had a lot of say in this. I knew they were just asking as a matter of politeness and to give me the feeling that I wasn't run over. But the truth is that I actually was. It was too late to change my mind though.

Yejin almost burst with excitement when she heard that I got the 'internship' at BigHit. Now I had to report back to her every day I went there. I couldn't blame her, she simply adored the boys.

But for me it was nothing but stressful and nerve wracking. I couldn't get over my nervousness to face him again till the very point I entered the company building where I was supposed to meet him.

I had slept badly and the mending injury on my forehead was strained.

One look into the mirror and I felt nauseous too. I looked like I spent the whole night studying only nourishing myself with coffee and chocolate.

And there was nothing I could do about that. Not even make-up could hide that much ugliness. I knew that because I had tried when I actually did pull an all-nighter for an exam.

I groaned and left the bathroom. I got ready and quickly said goodbye to my mum because I was in a hurry to catch the underground. I really didn't want to be late.

I had to go there by public transport because the company couldn't provide a driver for every time I went to see him. Which was okay for me because I didn't like being driven around. I preferred to use the subway so I could listen to some music to calm my nerves.

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