27: the story of how I got a black eye

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"Where's Yuna?"

I repeated myself in a more fierce and aggressive tone when no one bothered to answer my urgent question.

The other members just looked as clueless as I am. They have been with me all the time and also had no idea where she could have gone since she hasn't been around for quite some time.

Fuck. I was growing impatient and extremely worried about her. I didn't even know where all those emotions came from.

I was still mad at her for being so overprotective and ungrateful today. But right now my heart was in my throat and I was hastily looking around hoping to see her sit somewhere with that stupid laptop and pretending to be studying.

"I think I saw her heading into the direction of the bathroom", an employee cleaning up next to us, who must have heard my question, finally spoke up.

"Thanks", I replied curtly and took to my heels, ignoring Jimin calling after me.

They probably had doubts about if and how I could help her. But it didn't matter right now, not even the fact that she was probably in the ladies' room.

I stormed inside the main building, turned to the right and burst into the women's restroom without hesitation. And it was good that I acted fast.

The scene I walked in on made my stomach twist into a tight knot and unravel again leaving me feel sick.

Even though I was able to see colours again it didn't put me at ease.

Yuna was leaning against the sink, hands tightly holding on to the porcelain, knuckles shining whitely through her thin ivory skin.

Her usually ardently sparkling eyes were empty and her face was as white as a sheet. She had splashed her face with water, so some of her baby hair stuck to her forehead.

She looked at me through the mirror, not showing any kind of reaction to my appearance, and then her legs buckled.

"Fu-", I cursed and came to her rescue with two big strides so she could sink into my embrace without injuring herself while fainting.

I caught her safely in my arms and glanced down at her delicate features as she had her eyes tightly shut and breathed out shallow puffs of air.

I cautiously scooped her up in my arms bridal style and carried her out of the chilly bathroom.

I was glad that Jin was entering the big hall with a medic at the exact same time I came out of the ladies' room with Yuna. Someone really needed to check up on her.

"Put her down", the young man ordered and I was glad he did because I was too desperate and panicky to think straight.

"Be careful with her head. Maybe put something on the ground to soften it", he advised in a stern voice as he kneeled down next to her.

I wore no jacket we could use but Jin hyung reacted quickly by taking off his white sweater to make a pillow out of it and placed it underneath Yuna's head while I carefully lifted her up.

"What's her name?", the paramedic asked shortly looking up at me before he went back to treating her.

"Yuna", I breathed, letting her name roll off my tongue as if it was too precious to even be voiced.

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