33: the end

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"Well, that was weird", Hobi remarked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and then looked at me with a shrug.

"Yes... yes, it really was", I mumbled in response, staring at the door through which Yuna just left a minute ago.

It was really strange, because one moment I left her standing in the middle of the room, completely flustered by an innocent peck, and the next she looked like she had seen a ghost, and then her expression just changed to sheer horror.

But before I could run after her, the coach had already urged us to line up for the second time and I couldn't just go.

"Come on, boys. We want to roll," the coach's voice rang through the training room for the third time. Hobi gave me a pat on the back and I sighed in defeat.

We lined up in front of the mirror, but I was so distracted by the horrified look on Yuna's face, which was etched in my mind, that I was completely inattentive and took the wrong position. Hobi hyung gave me a massive side eye and I trotted sheepishly over to the right position.

To warm up, I rolled my shoulders backwards when I suddenly felt such a painful jolt in my back that my knees buckled and I fell forward. Panting in agony, I writhed and braced myself on my hands.

My sight blurred and visions of a grey parking lot flickered before my inner eye. Then another blow hit me in the gut and I held my stomach with my arm while I groaned in unimaginable pain, but unable to scream.

"Jungkook!", Taehyung yelled in shock, leapt over to me and bent down to check up on me.

"What the fuck is going on? Did you hurt yourself?", I heard Jimin's alarmed voice above me, fairly distant.

"What's wrong? What do you need?", Namjoon asked me in a tone that sounded forcedly calm, but his hand on my back gave me some comfort.

In terrible pain, I struggled to sit up and took my hand off my stomach, completely convinced that it would be covered in blood. But it wasn't. How?

The pain in my lower back and abdomen was nowhere near subsiding and I could only sit upright with utmost difficulty. My forehead was beaded with sweat as the blood pulsed through my veins.

"Did you hurt yourself?", Hobi asked me just as anxiously as the others and squatted down in front of me.

No, I wasn't hurt. Or at least not in a physical way. But if I wasn't-

Jungkook. Yuna's desperate voice sounded ever so clearly in my head so that an icy shiver ran down my spine.

I had never heard her plead like this before. I had only ever heard her speak softly, angrily or cheekily, but never so frightened. Her tone reflected her fear of death, despair and pain.

"No... No, no, no", I muttered, my eyes widening in terror as it dawned on me.

A split second later, I was on my feet. Pure adrenaline replaced the pain in my body and I sprinted off. I could hear Jin shouting my name at me, but it was all a haze. I had to find her. Right now.

Jimin, however, wasted no time and chased straight after me.

It couldn't be. It couldn't be. It couldn't be true.

Whatever terrible thing I imagined had just happened to her and I had experienced as well, I hoped I was just imagining it. I wouldn't know what to do if... I couldn't even go there. Not now, nor ever.

I wasn't sure if I was right, but I thought the car park I briefly saw was the one garage under the BigHit building. It was as though my body was being pulled in exactly this direction anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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