before you read ♡

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Hello and welcome back amajin people!

I normally don't write a preface but after three years of experience in the fanfiction/writing community and two books on here I need to clarify a few things first to avoid any problems. 

Please read it, or just skim through it. It would mean a lot to me.

1) the meaning of fiction
2) topics the plot will not be about
3) commenting
4) updating schedule
5) my work

1) It is all fictional.

The very special detail about this story is that I try to write it as close to reality as possible which means that the events on the timeline of this story coincides with the events that actually happened in real life in 2019.

The story begins at the BTS Festa concert in Seoul on Sunday, the 22nd of June 2019, the last concert of Festa. Everything that follows happens according to BTS's schedule in 2019.

Everyone of BTS and the people around them appear in this story but it has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Some things we do know about them, like character traits, cute habits, outfits that they wore etc are part of this story but everything else we know nothing about is simply coming from my imagination and, I repeat, has nothing to do with them.

So please treat the characters in this story as what they are: fiction.

2) This book will not include...

I always hate to start reading stories and then halfway through having to stop because I don't like how the story evolves.

That's why I thought I quickly tell you what WON'T happen in this story so you don't need to worry about it.

... Y/N.

This is not a Y/N story. It is written in first person and the mc is a person with their own name.

... a sad or open ending.

I hate bad endings and when everything is left unclear at the end so there won't be one like that.

... romanticising of abuse, violence, bullying, ræpe, vulgar language, misogyny, cheating

All those topics are a no go for me.
(It's okay to curse in the comments, just remember to treat everyone with respect and tolerance)

... a love triangle.

I seriously despise those kind of stories (but ofc, it's okay if you like them ;))

... the mc starting to sing Fight Song

I found out that this was a real thing and no, don't worry, it won't happen in this book hahah

... homophobic content.

Everyone is welcome here. Love is love.

... death.

No one will die in this book, especially not the main character. And there won't be anyone falling into a coma, suffering memory loss or getting pregnant.

I hope I didn't forget anything. If not I will come back to edit this list :)

a/n: sooo... after finishing this book I have to update this and apologise in advance. There is a coma but it's nothing serious (spoiler much? haha) and also, as a cliffhanger for a 2nd book, I have added an alternative ending which is open and therefore a little confusing.

3) comments

Unfortunately I have experienced how some readers were really rude in the comments not necessarily to me but in general, like in their tone and choice of words.

Of course you are free to speak your mind and also rant about stupid decisions the mc makes or whatever, just don't be too harsh with your words.

I know it might sound pathetic but sometimes I take it personally when someone insults my characters. I want to emphasize again that my characters are only human and since it is one of my biggest goals to portray everything in my stories as real and as natural as possible, the characters have just as many flaws as you and I have.

I just wanted to put this out there but also encourage you to comment anything and as much as you want by sticking to what I mentioned earlier.

If I make any mistakes, which is quite possible because I'm not perfect, please point it out kindly and I will try not to make the same mistake again.

4) updates

I try to update every week depending on the length of the chapter maybe twice a week.

However, as of October I'll be going to university and I can't exactly predict how busy I'll be so please keep that in mind when my updates are late.

5) getting inspired

I, myself, have been inspired to write this book because of the Wattpad book 'Soulmate Bonding' by minxy_keys and by a tiktok trend (if you know , you know it. If you don't, you don't).

In any case you want to do whatever you want to do with my story just remember to give me credits. That's all it takes to respect the hard work I put into writing stories.

Thank you for reading through this. It means a lot to me. If you want you can go follow my Instagram (@ btsximajin2.0), tiktok and Twitter (@ btsximajin), otherwise I wish you a lot of fun reading this book.



My name is Yuna and this is my story about how I met my super famous soulmate. How, you might ask. Well, I'm not like other girls...

...I'm only joking 💀 this is not how he will start this story. I'm sorry, my humor is broken hahaha

If you still want to keep reading then you're right here. Please continue to the next chapters :)

-Oh, and be prepared to be confused for the first few chapters. But don't worry, everything will quickly get cleared up.

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