28: flying to Japan - the kickoff for lots of other firsts

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First off: how did you like the song (recommendations) in the last chapter?

And: should I keep including some?

"You know, we should really clean our apartment. This place is a mess", I babbled to sidetrack from the serious conversation Jungkook insisted on having after we sat back d⁸own on the couch, "and we should also go grocery shopping. There's like no food at all here."

"I think that won't be necessary", he cut in at the right moment during my rant, his face looking like someone's who was awaiting their doom.

"What do you mean?", I asked insecurely, desisting from my weak attempt of avoiding this talk with him. There was no trace of emotion in his voice so it must be pretty important.

"I hate telling you this on such short notice, I really do", he finally seemed to get to the point, seemingly feeling pretty uncomfortable, "in my defense, it was a mistake made by the company. So please don't rip my head off."

I almost had to laugh at the way he tried so desperately to mitigate my reaction with his jabbering and his cutely widened doe eyes. But I didn't feel like laughing because I was rather scared of what he had to confess.

"Spit it out", I demanded after growing too impatient with the way he was skirting around the matter.

"The company wants you to come along on our tour in Japan. We leave tomorrow", he told me the truth in one quick go.

Finally it was out. It took me a few seconds to process, then my jaw dropped in disbelief and I stared at him as if he had just explained to me he would be moving to Mars or something equally absurd.

He stared back at me, probably weighing whether he should call an ambulance or a mental institute because I probably looked like I was about to have a stroke or a mental breakdown -or both. But I pulled myself together just so I could lash out on him, all our attempts at reconciliation long forgotten. 

"No", I stated without even considering a different answer. 

I was ready to get up and call my mum before I would go to bed as planned. Just act as if he never said anything. If I refused to believe that he did, it wouldn't be true.

But things don't work like that, no matter how hard you believe. "Yuna, you can't say no. This wasn't a question", he said slowly, his voice low and subdued. 

Pulling an afflicted face, I didn't know whether to cry or explode with anger. I could not believe what was happening right now and even less could I imagine what his revelation would mean for me. It left me speechless and my mind blank. 

"Come on, Yuna, say something. Anything", he begged me in response to my shocked silence. He leaned forward and propped himself up on his forearms which were resting on his thighs. He tried to catch my eyes to see any emotion in them, but there was none.

"What is there to say?", I asked quietly but failing at concealing my anguish, "let's not pretend that I have a say in this matter. I mean, my mum could be dying and you still would force me to go, be honest with yourself."

"Don't say that. You know that's not true", he whispered, averting his gaze as he contorted his face in agony.

"You told me to say something", I deadpanned and shrugged. 

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