23: Jeon Jungkook aka the mover

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"Get your buttock over here and help me!", I yelled grunting as I heaved the first packing case into his ridiculously big apartment, the sweat building up on my forehead.

"Do I look like a mover to you?", he muttered unintelligibly because he was brushing his teeth when I arrived with the boxes full of my stuff. 

"For crying out loud!", I cursed boiling with frustration and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, "why are you brushing your teeth at this time of the day? You're so weird! I could use your help right now." I had told him exactly when I'd come several times and I stressed I'd be punctual yet he still wasn't ready.

"Chill. I'll be right there", he said rolling his eyes and disappeared.

Everything happened really quickly since I had told Jungkook about my decision. He had urged me to move in as soon as possible because his condition became worse and worse. So I packed up my most important stuff and moved in three days later. Three days. If someone had come up to me two weeks and told me all that would happen to me and change in my life, I would have called the madhouse and commit them. Well, but here I was now. 

When his fellow members and brothers found out about his crazy plan they were equally shocked and worried.

First of all, shocked because the idea truly was crazy and also because Jungkook normally is very shy around girls which I only found out then. Just not with me, at all. I assumed that was because he didn't only treat me like a small child but he also thought I was one. And not a grown-up woman.

Secondly, because they were worried and they knew how vigorously we could argue. They didn't want it to get out of hand. And secretly I guessed that they thought Jungkook wasn't able to live by himself because he had always lived with them in a dorm. He still did but he decided to stay with me in his recently purchased apartment so no one's privacy would be invaded.

I wasn't exactly close to the other members apart from meeting them a few times. It was definitely not enough to move into a dorm with them. Living with one of them would already be enough.

Eventually they gave their consent though in hopes that it would really help Jungkook's condition and not end up in a carnage as a result of our fighting.

Yejin, on the other hand, was quite offended to find out that I've had plans to move out and didn't even consider her as a roomie. But I could appease by telling her it was only temporary and I wasn't even sure if it would work out. And by promising her to buy her her favourite meal... whenever she wanted for a month.

I was pretty sure by now if she ever found out that I was actually going to live with a BTS member, she'd murder me. And justifiably so. I have been the worst friend to her in the past week and I had no idea how I was ever going to make up for all the dishonesty towards her. 

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