20: physical bond

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"Telling from your baffled expressions I believe you're seeing colours right now?", Mr. Lee asked eyeing me with utmost curiosity.

I nodded slowly not able to focus on anything else but the panoply of vibrant colours around me. The meeting room was kept in teal and alabaster shades. The couches we were sitting on were sated creamy as if someone had taken the frosting of a cupcake and spread it right on the couch. Mr. Lee's suit wasn't of the colour black but rich juniper green. I was never growing tired of seeing colours, not soon at least.

"What does that mean?", I asked, forcing myself to get back to my senses. I didn't understand what on earth was going on.

"That means that I was right with my first assumption", he answered my question, "your colour vision was triggered at first only with eye contact, then skin contact with certain emotions. Jungkook's sudden feeling of faintness was an indication that you took a step forward. Your bond is already evolving."

I was still confused and frowned at Mr. Lee while trying not to get distracted by his fascinating hickory brown eyes. In the back of my mind a thought popped up, it was random but it had a big impact on me. People don't actually realise how lucky they are to see all kinds of amazing different eye colours every day. It was simply mesmerizing to me.

"Your bond is very special. It doesn't stay limited to the fact that you enable each other to see colours. It also links you on a physical level", he elucidated, "which basically means that you can heal each other... in a sense. When you helped him yesterday your bond strengthened and now you're able to see colours if you're just close enough to each other."

I was speechless. This was completely overwhelming. I never thought this was possible and I was at a loss of words. I didn't know what was going on in Jungkook's mind but he also stayed silent. I think neither of us could grasp what this meant for us at this moment.

"So that's what I meant when I said if you want to, you can make the bond work", he kept talking, "and to answer your question from before, you are indeed left with very little freedom of choice. I'm not a hundred percent positive yet, but as I already mentioned, I believe that your bond didn't only link your souls but also your physical well-being."

What the frog?

"This is very rare, but it happens sometimes. When physically linked soulmates stay too long apart from each other they get very weak to the point where it's almost impossible to live without the other", he stated, "Jungkook's syncope probably was a first sign."

I quickly understood what he meant and couldn't stop the words I would blurt next. "So you mean I'm not able to live without this chump?", I asked aroused, not holding back, "that I'll just die on the spot if I don't stick around?"

"No, not necessarily. But you'd become very fragile and eventually even fall into a coma", he said making a serious face. I gulped and slumped down. This was hard to digest. It was already tough to work my day around his busy schedule and according to the words of the expert, it looked like I had to make sure I would see Jungkook on a regular base or else...

"Why was I the one to faint?", Jungkook asked lowly speaking up for the first time after keeping his mouth shut for at least five minutes. 

"That I don't really know", Mr. Lee said honestly, "maybe you are more affected by the bond... and more vulnerable to it. Until now."

Jungkook made a very displeased face. He didn't like to hear this at all, especially not being called vulnerable. That was what triggered him but for me... it was pretty scary but also upsetting. I was left with no choice but to be stuck with him for.. yea for how long? Forever?

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