05: her

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I was still seething with anger when I left the medical treatment room after Jimin came to get me.

That girl really had the nerve to talk back and make this all about me.

None of this was my fault.

On the contrary, it was all hers. I blamed her.

I was genuinely happy.

I was on stage with the people I love and doing what I loved most in the world: singing.

Army was cheering for me and signing along with me and my hyungs.

It was the epitome of happiness.

It was like being high for two hours straight wrapped in a cosy warmth and nothing could burst my bubble of happiness.

Until my eyes met hers.

She ruined everything.

I was so into performing 'So what' getting hyped up by my fans that I grabbed a water bottle from the side of the stage and opened it to release its content over the crowd.

As I often do at concerts.

First I threw the cap and then the water bottle. I didn't even check where I was aiming at.

I heard my fans scream louder just as I expected and was about to go to the other side of the stage when something caught my eye.

Or rather someone.

A girl to be exact. She was standing in the crowd which he just sprayed with water in between all those girls who went crazy over that.

She was pressing her phone to her ear as if her life was hung by a thread. The expression on her face looked like something has just hit her.

And then all of a sudden her eyes landed on me. I gasped as her eyes pierced into mine.

Hazel eyes.

Everything was black and white in my vision except for her hazel eyes. A golden ray of light shone on her and then she-


Everything went back to black and white. No colours as usual. Everything shaded in grey.

I panicked seeing her limp body sinking to the floor while she was still being pushed around by the mob.

I was about to signal one of the staff members to take care of her but then I saw they were already making their way over to her to help her.

I sighed relieved and concentrated back on the concert. I almost missed my cue. Jimin noticed my short hesitation and threw a questioning look at me but I ignored him.

I also ignored the fact that I saw colours for the first time in my life.

Or was it just my imagination tricking me?

At least I tried ignoring it. But it was so hard to focus while this kept gnawing on my mind.

My voice cracked several times and my dancing was sloppy. Army must have been so disappointed in me. At the end of the show I was frustrated and upset.

Mostly with myself.

But I blamed her. She was the reason I couldn't concentrate anymore. Deep down I knew she wasn't responsible for that but I was blinded by anger.

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