08: the deal

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A light concussion my ass.

When I woke up in my soft bed the next day I still felt like someone had used my head as a punching bag.

It was still so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed.

When the driver provided by BigHit entertainment dropped me off at home last night I almost couldn't stand upright anymore.

The chauffeur had to help me get out of the car because I couldn't do it by myself.

Yejin had stayed with my mum and immediately noticed my arrival rushing out of the apartment to support me.

The look in her eyes told me that she had millions of questions for me but they all had to wait.

I dropped down dead in my bed and slept for 15 hours straight.

Yejin had stayed the night and checked up on me every hour since 10 am.

When she noticed that I had finally woken up she sat down on the edge of the bed next to me and helped me sit up.

"Hey", she said softly brushing a strand of my hair out of my face, "your mother talked to your doctor and she said you should take this painkiller."

I wanted to hum in response but no sound left my dry throat.

She helped me take the pill and drink some more water. I definitely needed it.

"How are you feeling?", she asked scanning my face precisely.

I gave her a thumbs up because I didn't trust my voice yet.

"I still feel so bad...", she said looking at her fidgeting hands, "if I hadn't run off-"

"Don't", I grated and cleared my throat while sitting up again leaning back on my elbows, "don't do this to yourself. It's not your fault."

She nodded sniffing and I tried hard not to groan in pain while leaning forward to give her a hug.

"So... I'm really curious why you had to go back", she said locking eyes with me making it hard for me to keep my true feelings to myself, "you came back looking like you saw a ghost."

But you have to promise not to tell anyone. It's a very delicate and confidential matter, Namjoon's words echoed in my head.

I wanted to tell her. I really wanted to. I'd love to have someone I could talk to about this.

But I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to. I could get sued if I did tell.

"Ah, it came out that they still had doubts as to whether I had recorded something or not", I lied again.

I hated lying to her. I only lied to her when I was planning a surprise. And this was the second time within one day that I didn't tell her the truth.

"Wow, they really are fussy about that, hm? Holding you for several hours", she said pursing her lips.

I was glad that my mum came in to save me from telling even more lies.

She was talking on the phone to someone and gestured towards me.

"They say that they're from BigHit", she told me covering the receiver with her hand and my heart skipped a beat, "they're asking when you're free for an appointment."

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