15: bucket hat and mask ×2

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I groaned loudly while walking into my apartment and shut the door noisily.

"Aaaand, how was your first day?", Yejin ambushed me, jumping in front of me out of nowhere giving me a small heart attack.

"Awful", I answered in all honesty after I recovered from the shock.

"Oh, no. Why?", she asked with a pitiful look on her face dragging me into the kitchen. Her big doe eyes observed me closely, regarding me with genuine compassion.

"Honey, you look like you need a nice warm cup of tea", my mother said as soon as she laid her eyes on me. I sighed and slumped down on the chair next to the door.

It really was awful.

Jungkook and I only bickered. I saw colours only once when we made eye contact the first time. But when our hands had touched, nothing had happened. Despite our eyes being locked.

It was only awkward and very unpleasant. So unpleasant that I quickly got the hell out of there. And because of that I was trustfrated.

Why did it have to be so complicated?

Every other soulmate bond in this world seemed to work just fine. First meet soulmate. Second see colours.

As if it wasn't already enough that my soulmate was a superstar. The bond needed to act up as well.

"Is someone not treating you well?", Mum asked concerned when I didn't answer Yejin's question and just stared blankly at the wall across from me, lost in thought.

"No, it's not that...", I denied and sighed while the noise of the boiling water for the tea was heard in the background, "there's just someone who's giving me a hard time. He keeps bugging me."

Only the thought of Jungkook's rude behaviour made my blood boil.

"Wait wait wait, is it a man?", Yejin asked excitedly all of a sudden and I felt like I had been caught.

"What does it matter?", I asked back blushing and avoided direct eye contact.

"So it is a man", Yejin said giggling and pinched my flushed cheeks, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't take it to heart", my mum advised facing us with her back while she poured the hot water into a teapot.

"You know what they say: teasing is a sign of affection", Mum said with a soft smile on her lips as she turned around to us with a matching set of teacups in her hands.

I cringed and pulled an ugly face. Yet I still blushed even harder.

"Ouh, our Yuna already found a guy on her first day of her internship", Yejin cheered clapping her hands.

She was just like sunrays bundled in one big ball of heartfelt, warm and positive energy. Getting excited over nothing. Able to light up the whole room within the matter of seconds.

"Stop it, I literally hate him", I said, even though I felt like it seemed a little too harsh, "there's nothing going on and there won't. Ever."

"Never say never", she purred and then fixated me with her gaze and leaned in when she lowered her voice secretively, "so... tell me everything. Is he good looking?"

If she knew...


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