10: hazel eyes

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Hazel eyes

Arguably one of the most mysterious eye colors, as unique as they are beautiful. Hazel isn't exactly a color, per se - it is more of an intermixture of colours within the iris.

It is a combination of light or yellowish-brown colour with specks of gold, green, and brown in the center.

The amount of each colour can vary among different people with hazel eyes, which can cause hazel green eyes or hazel brown eyes.


"Come on. Open your eyes and look at me!"

Dark chocolate brown eyes.

I felt myself drowning in umber eyes as I desperately tried to stay awake fighting the claws of the unconsciousness which kept pulling me back into its dark hole.

His eyes looked like a crystal clear and deep water, only dyed in coruscating brown.

I wanted to take a closer look. Like a small child kneeling on the edge of a riverbank and bending forward to marvel at the captivating underwater scenery.

But then I blacked out.

Semiconsciously I noticed how someone came in and monitored my pulse. I heard distant talking but I was too exhausted to pay attention.



Hazel eyes.

She opened her eyes widely and peered into mine.

Hazel brown eyes.

They were so beautiful.

The basic shade of her eyes was a soft caramel surrounded by a dark circle of brown. Deep pine green streaks ranged across the iris splaying from the pupil. It was absolutely mesmerising.

We locked eyes and no one dared to move until she blinked letting out a breathy cry of pain before she fainted.

The door burst open and Serena came rushing in.

"What happened?", she asked as I quickly moved away from her so Serena could grab her wrist and check her pulse while looking at her watch.

"She- I...", I stuttered still staring at her in shock.

What exactly did just happen?

I saw her eyes in colour but now everything had gone back to black and white.

"I heard you two fighting", she said gently placing down annoying girl's wrist, "are you okay?"

"She only got too excited", Serena spoke as I didn't bother to answer her question, "she'll be fine in a few minutes. I'll go get her some water."

I nodded silently as I dropped down on the couch rubbing my chin deeply in thought.

"Oh, and Jungkook", she called out my name making me turn my head towards her, "go easy on her. You're not the only one struggling."

I didn't show a reaction as she gave me a stern look before she left closing the door behind her.

I exhaled sharply and steadfastly gaped at her slouched figure.

What is she doing to me?

She's doing things to me that I can't control and I hate that.

I'm always beside myself over her. She drives me nuts when she's only opening her mouth to talk back at me.

But then there was this strange feeling in my ribcage I had when I looked at her limp body.

It was a nagging urge to find whoever did this to her and cut their arm off. This was not me. I never cared for strange girls.

And she's neither nice nor pretty.

So why did I feel this way?


When I came back to my senses I found Jungkook frowning at me with narrowed eyes, reclined on the couch with his legs spread and his forearms resting on his thighs.

I needed a moment to collect myself before I could call him out.

The memories of the alluring brown of his eyes still lurked in the back of my mind and dazed me.

I acted though on the outside but on the inside my whole world was crumbling into pieces.

And all that was left was a small girl with the shattered remains not knowing how to put them back together.

But the best way to deal with my issues was not to deal with them at all. Pretending I didn't have any.

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked snappishly still sounding a little weak though, "never seen a girl faint because an idiot yelled at her?"

He only snorted and leaned forward to grab a water bottle from the table and give it to me.

It surprised me that he didn't snap back but actually decided to offer me help. I hesitated shortly before I took it from him.

I sipped on the water and eyed him over the rim of the bottle. He seemed tense.

But so was I.

I liked it more when we were still fighting because that kept the monster inside my chest, that is my fear, from clawing my heart and making me break down in panic.

Why didn't he say anything? The silence drove me crazy.

But then he said without looking at me, "you saw it too, didn't you?"


I wanted to say no. But that would be lying. So I breathed in and said-


Time stood still. He turned to glance at me but I didn't look into his direction. It gradually dawned on me what this meant.

He was my soulmate.

I'm sorry for the late and short update :(

My life has been a mess lately but I'm okay. I hope you still enjoy reading this story and please don't forget to vote.


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