21: drastic measures

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I quickly crammed my stuff into my handbag and got up. A few heads turned and I had to take a deep breath to actually pull this off.

But what other choice did I have? I had to make a complete fool out of myself for Jungkook's and my sake. I didn't know Hoseok, but I could tell that his tone was off  - not his usual gleeful and chirpy manner I had seen in Yejin's favourite Hobi moments compilation on YouTube. And apart from all that, the mere thought -the split image of Jungkook's pale and lifeless body cold on the ground in my imagination- gave me enough adrenaline to just do it.

Keeping my head down ,I rushed down the aisle between the seat rows  and exited the lecture hall as fast as I could ignoring the professor angrily calling after me. This was going to get me in trouble. Real trouble. But my priority right now was Jungkook.

I made it to the BigHit building within half an hour, upsetting a lot of people on the subway by bumping into them and pushing my way through them to get there faster. Completely sweaty and panting like a woman in labour, I burst into the huge entrance hall, clinging on to my handbag and probably looking like a crazy fan (once again).

I texted the number with which Hoseok used to called me before - most likely Jungkook's - and let him know that I had arrived. He responded immediately, telling me which floor and room I had to go to.

I headed over to the elevator and got in -not that I had a clue where to go. I pressed the button for the seventh floor and the lift started moving. I nervously bopped on my heels drumming my fingers on the firm surface of my purse while I stared at the neon numbers steadily counting up. 

The doors opened with a pling and I hastily deciphered the number on the room to my right just to realise I actually got it right. I ran down the corridor and pushed open the heavy door to my right in a heartbeat. I stumbled inside gasping as if I had just completed a marathon -which was actually kind of true.

I looked frantically around the huge room which apparently seemed to be some sort of dance practice room. The wall beside me was made of only mirrors on and the floor had this special material for dancing. I admit, I have watched quite a few dance movies to know about that.

"Over here", Serena's voice caught my attention and I spotted her leaning over a slumped down figure on the couch, surrounded by the rest of Bangtan and presumably the choreographer in the very back of the room.

She was holding a white cup to his mouth which was connected to a small oxygen bottle. Oh god.  I rushed over to them, dropping my handbag on the way there and fell on my knees beside Jungkook's body splayed on the couch. Maybe it seemed a little dramatic, but my body kind of did all of it on its own. 

Serena removed the oxygen mask and backed off. As soon as I was in reach of less than three feet my vision became coloured. But not like yesterday in it's full glory. Now everything was suffused by a faint layer of grey like fog or a faded old picture. I got a little startled but my focus solely stayed on Jungkook.

He was covered in sweat and his damp, plain white shirt stuck to his torso. The hair ends were wet and pushed out of his forehead like someone had wiped it with a cool cloth. I reached out my hand but I hesitated. I felt a lot of pressure on me with all eyes resting expectantly on me.

"Come on, guys. Let's give them some space", a voice I didn't know urged, "let's go. 'Idol', from the top!" Low agreeing mumbling was hearrd and they toddled off.

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