06: disclose a secret

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⬆️⬆️ This picture screams Bangtan  lmao

"What? Why?", I asked confused.

"I'm sorry, Sir", my mother said politely, "but my daughter is very exhausted-"

"I must insist", the man in black interrupted her coldly.

That went against the grain for me. No one talks to my mother like that.

"If it's about me supposedly taking a video of the concert you can let me go", I said furiously, "I didn't record anything, you can check my phone."

"We did that already", he said with a blank face, "it's another urgent matter."

I gulped. I was about to tell him something about privacy and data protection but I was too embarrassed to say anything at all.

What if they saw my weird pictures? Or my Wattpad account?

"Okay, I'll come", I gave in ignoring my pink cheeks. I wanted to get over with this.

This has been a hell of an evening and I just wanted to go home. Forget that this ever happened.

"But-" "I'll be fine", I reassured Yejin removing her arm and stood on my own feet which cost me a lot of strength.

"You can go home, Ma'am", the buff man said bowing to my mother, "we troubled you enough. We'll make sure to wrap things up very quickly and bring your daughter safely home."

"Fine", my mum yielded and sighed, "if you don't drop her off before midnight I swear I'll personally come and beat-"

"Mum, please", I begged stopping her from embarrassing me even more.

"Okay, then take care", she said giving me a last worried look, "I'll see you soon."

Yejin waved at me and they disappeared behind the next corner.

As soon as they were out of sight my knees buckled and I was about to fall over if the staff member hadn't reacted quickly.

He came to my rescue and I clung on to him for dear life. I barely had any strength left and I needed that support.

As if on cue, Serena appeared at the end of the corridor rushing towards me.

"I told them you were in no condition for this but he- they wouldn't listen", she said helping the man support me. She seemed to be pretty nettled because of this.

At least someone was caring about my health here.

"It's okay, let's just get over with this", I mumbled holding tightly on to her in search for support.

I started walking down the labyrinth of aisles in the backstage area with the help of the two staff members.

After what seemed like hours I arrived in front of a door which had a simple paper stuck on it saying '방탄 소년단'.

It seemed like weights were pulling my eyelids down and a layer of cold sweat glistened on my forehead.

Serena cursed seeing how pale I was and that I could barely keep my eyes open.

She opened the door and dragged me inside.

It was a bright styling and dressing room furnished with seven mirror tables framed with several light bulbs for the perfect lighting. In front of the tables stood comfortable looking chairs.

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