12: our first agreement

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"So... what do you say?"

Yea, what was I going to say?

It was such a huge decision and I had no one I could talk to about this. Only Serena. And I already knew she would tell me to do it.

Usually I would discuss something like this with my mother and Yejin. But I couldn't ask for their advice. This time I was on my own.

"What's holding you back?", he asked after a while and no reply from me. He directed his eyes at me and observed me in depth. He wasn't actually asking me that right now.

"Are you serious?", I asked offended, wrinkling my nose, "I just found out that you of all people are my soulmate and now I have to decide whether I want to see you regularly from this moment on and you... you probably don't even know my name?!"

I raised my voice at the end of the sentence getting worked up again. It's so difficult to stay calm when I'm confronted with so much stupidity and insensitivity.

"Look, my biggest wish ever since I can remember was to see colours. And I'm ready to-"

"Yuna. Your name is Yuna", he interrupted me in a low voice.

I slightly flinched at the sound of my name rolling off his tongue and glanced at him with a surprised look in my eyes. So he was paying attention.

A spark of hope.

But it's a well-known fact that even the smallest sparks can kindle a blazing fire.

"Wow, that just sounded like the first nice thing you ever said to me", I joked, making him roll his eyes.

"I really am a nice person, but when you only look at me, I could snap", he complained, regarding me with narrowed eyes before relaxing his face.

And I laughed. This was the first time he truly made me laugh and it felt so liberating. Maybe this was a beginning of something that could grow and become a really good thing.

I glanced at him, still smiling, but he looked at me like he had just seen a very scary ghost. My smile faded and I eyed him worriedly.

"Are you okay?", I asked unsure.

"Y-yea, I'm fine", he quickly said snapping out of whatever just happened, that made him look so shook, "just tell me what you want to do so I can go."

Okay, scratch that. This was never going to work.

But I still had to try. I owed it to my four-year-old self who cried bitterly because she couldn't admire the colourful flower meadow with hundreds of different kinds of flowers that we went to on a field trip when I was in kindergarten.

"Let's do it", I finally said it out loud and let out a fagged sigh. Now there was no turning back.

"Really?", he asked, lifting his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes", I said in a clear voice.

"Then we have an agreement", he said leaning his elbows on his thighs as he bent forward, "our first, I think."

"Oh, I thought we agreed on the fact that you are a schnook", I scoffed, giving him the side-eye.

"Who even uses that word?", he asked chuckling and shifted to one side to pull out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans.

"I do. But if it doesn't suit you I can call you a different name", I sneered, watching him unlock his phone.

"Just call me by my name."

"Fine", I sighed, "and what now? Does your company have a plan for when you find your soulmate? A certain approach or something?"

"I don't know", he shrugged and then held out his phone to me while looking at me expectantly.

"What am I supposed to do with this?", I asked confused, "throw it out the window?"

"Of course not, silly", he said rolling his eyes once again. "Put in your number."

Okay, this was a normal request. But not by a worldwide famous idol. So it was normal that my heart beat sped up a bit, right?

"And why would I do that?"

"Do you have to defy everything?", he asked groaning, "I don't know, maybe I'll need to contact you or something. Just do it, my arm is falling off!"

"Fine", I huffed and took it from him.

I tiped in my number and hesitated staring at the cracked screen of his phone.

>name of contact<

Just Yuna? Or Yuna and my last name? Or Soulmate?

I had to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling as I imagined the shocked look on his face when he'd receive a text from 'Soulmate✨'. He's going to freak out.

I saved my contact and quickly closed the app so he couldn't check what I had done. Before I handed it back to him I caught a glimpse of his wallpaper.

It was a picture of the Bangtan Boys joking around. Of course, it was obvious how important they were to him.

"I'll quickly talk to Namjoon hyung to find out what will happen next", he said getting up and stuffing his phone back into his back pocket. I nodded and watched him leave the room.

Finally a moment of peace. I let my gaze wander around the room which I now remembered so vividly in colour. What a gift. It really was a gift but I wasn't sure if I wanted all that came with it.

I took out my phone and checked the time. I widened my eyes when I realised that I've already been here for three hours. What kind of interview lasts three hours?

Yejin is going to have a lot of questions, just like my Mum.

The door opened and Serena came walking in with a smile on her face.

"I don't meant to kick you out, but the company first has to discuss how to act in your case", she said approaching me, "this is new for everyone. Right now, there's no need for you to stay here until we find a way to deal with this matter. You can go home."

"Good", I answered, but it rather sounded like a question because I wasn't really sure about it.

It was a weird feeling but somehow I was disappointed that I didn't get to see Jungkook again. What the heck was wrong with me and my emotions lately?

"I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can tell you", she said with a compassionate look on her face and guided me out of the room, "but it's for the better, you really need some rest." I nodded sighing and followed her down the corridor.

"This time I can't take you home because I still have some work to do", she let me know, "but there's a driver waiting for you in the car park. I'll take you there."

I thanked her, not only for accompanying me but also for everything that she had done for me so far.

We arrived at the car park and a black car turned on its engine as soon as I came into sight.

I walked up to the car and was about to get in when Serena said "You made the right decision." She softly squeezed my arm and I nodded.

"We'll see."

Sorry guys, update was meant to be out one day earlier but I didn't make it. I hope you like it & I'll promise they will become longer as well xx

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