26: BTS run! ep. 83-85

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Why was he mad again?

Two seconds ago he was playing in the swimming pool with his hyungs and smiling like a... happy, cute, little bunny but now he was glaring at me with a blazing fire of fury in his eyes as if I was satan's daughter herself who came to steal his ice cream. This time I really had done nothing wrong to upset him yet here we are again.

"Are you dumb?", he asked putting down his hand with which he had caught the ball while staring into my soul with pitch black eyes like hot metal cutting through glass, "the ball was coming right at you and you didn't even flinch. You were supposed to catch it and not watch it until it collides with your face."

I was so shocked and dumbfounded by his harsh and hurtful words that I couldn't even think of a way to counter with an impertinent answer. I just stood there and gaped at him like a fish in an aquarium regarding the zoo visitors standing on the other side of the glass.

"Hey, easy, Jungkook", Jin jumped in for my defense, talking in a soft but determined tone and stepped forward, shielding me a little from angry Jungkook towering over me, "Taehyung caught her off guard, that's all."

I've never seen Jungkook look at one of his brothers without respect and admiration in his eyes but the look he gave Jin now actually kind of scared me. I was glad though that Jin seemed to be unbothered by his younger friend's glare. It was good Jin had intervened otherwise this might have escalated with Jungkook and I being equally hot-headed.

Jungkook kept staring his older bandmate down with a piercing glance, in his eyes flickering an emotion I couldn't quite name. He was pissed at me, no news, but why was he trying to kill Jin with his gaze? What did he do to upset Jungkook? He was just a bystander after all. 

"Return her phone. We need to get going for the next activity", he said to Jin in a rather impudent way, jaw muscles still tense. After the ball incident Jin hadn't handed my phone back to me yet and was still holding it in his right hand.

"Ok", Jin gave in, retreating without making any more of a fuss because he knew if he pushed the ebony haired across from him a little more there will be bodies.

He gave it to me, lying it in my flat, outstretched hand and bobbed his head at me in silent agreement with me that we were going to talk about whatever just had happened at another time to not rile Jungkook any more.

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