16: quarrels and sprinkles

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But before it could come to the collision I was yanked out of the way and I found myself breathing heavily, safely in Jungkook's embrace.

"Are you crazy?", he called me out angrily but his voice was laced with slight worry if one paid close attention.

"I'm sorry", I breathed with a pounding heart and looked around confused, in attempt to understand what just happened, "I... I didn't..."

"Are you usually this much of a klutz?", he asked brazenly, making my shock turn into pure resentment. I freed myself from his arms and took a step back.

"I am clumsy okay? But that doesn't give you the right to call me a klutz!", I said raising my voice. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared him down.

"A simple 'thank you' would be enough", he said undazzled by my words. He wrapped his hand around my arm and pulled me with him into the right direction, "but you're welcome. No problem."

"Mpf", I snorted freeing myself from his grip.

We both walked side by side in silence, too fed up with each other to talk.

My thoughts trailed off as I looked at the people passing by. Some were rushing off to somewhere with their heads down, others curiously eyeing us.

What would they say if they knew it was Jeon Jungkook walking beside me? They'd probably freak out and make assumptions about who was the strange girl with him.

I hoped the press would never find out about me being his soulmate. I knew how possessive fans could get over idols when it comes to their love life and dating.

Even though we were only soulmates lots of people would think we were an item and hate on me anyway. And facing a shitstorm against me on the internet definitely wasn't on my bucket list of things I want to experience once in a lifetime.

What did the people think passing me by right now, not knowing he was an idol? Maybe that we were a couple. I blushed at that thought.

"What are you thinking about?", he suddenly asked out of the blue. Who is he? Some sort of mind reader?

"Huh?", I panicked looking up not knowing what to say.

"Um, nothing. Really. Just simple blankness in my mind", I rambled nervously fiddling with the hem of my sleeves, "I swear if you could look inside my mind right now everything would be blank..." I shut my mouth as I felt his intense gaze on me. I messed up.

"Did someone ever tell you that you suck at lying?", he asked chuckling amused and averted his gaze.

"Well, now someone did", I groped rolling my eyes and paid attention to where I was going.

"We're here", he said stopping in front of an inconspicuous door to a quite hidden Korean restaurant.

He held the door open and I walked in. I was immediately overwhelmed by the delicious smell of food which seeped through the fabric of my mask.

It was a small restaurant, rather long-drawn than wide. Jungkook nodded at the owner peeking through the door to the kitchen at the sound of new guests entering. We went to the very back of the restaurant where no one else was and we could be in peace and quiet.

I took off my mask and hat meanwhile Jungkook only removed his mask, to be on the safe side probably.

I ran my hand through my hair -not that it would help my situation. My hair just stayed flat and without any volume.

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