30: calm before the storm

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"Don't you dare look", I warned him, standing by the door to the swimming pool of the hotel, consciously trying to cover my exposed body with my arms.

It was nice and warm in the indoor pool, but I had goose bumps all over my body. Maybe that was because I was half naked. I actually found some pretty skimpy pants and some sort of workout top to wear. However, I didn't feel comfortable in these clothes at all.

"I am not looking", he repeated for the second time, slightly annoyed but patiently waiting for me whereas he was already in the cerulean water.

He had gone to the pool without me to make sure no one was there and no one would come, as he told me moments ago.

The pool was not just some small pool since this was also not some hotel in Osaka.

No, it was a big pool in which you can swim lengths in nice blue coloured water and with mellow lights. The arched ceiling was covered in hundreds of different colourful mosaics, it smelled really nice and had an overall very pleasant ambiance.

"Ok, I'll come if you turn around", I told him, peeking around the corner to see him rolling his eyes and tilting his head back while groaning.

"Seriously?! I don't care what you look l-" "Ok, I'm leaving. Bye", I called out and turned to go.

"Ok, ok, fine. I have turned around", he stopped me from leaving and when I leaned forward to check he was indeed facing me with his -naked, muscular- back.

I wrapped my arms more tightly around my torso and cautiously walked over to the pool on the slippery floor. I left my slippers by the pool and sat down at the edge, dipping my legs into the water.

And now what?

I didn't know how deep the pool was and whether I could stand or not. But I also didn't want to be hanging on to the pool edge like I was afraid to drown -which I actually was, though. To be honest, I was simply too afraid to get in.

"Ok, nope. This was a bad idea. I'm leaving", I gave up, ready to go if Jungkook hadn't spoken up in time.

"Wait! I said I would teach you. And I will if you let me. It's not that scary once you get the hang of it", he explained, the water flowing around his upper body when he slightly moved.

Silence followed. It was so quiet that he wanted to check if I had really left but I spoke before he could do so.

[Play Can I by Drake now]

"Ok, but: eyes up here. I feel very uncomfortable right now", I stated my one condition, placing my hands on the floor on either side of my body.

"What do you actually think of me, I'm not some-" "Jungkook." "Ok, yes, of course", he agreed right after I had stopped him from going on a little rant.

Then he turned around, his eyes immediately locking with mine.

It looked like he had swum a few rounds already, his hair has curled up into wet waves which trickled on his shoulders and collarbones. He was simply wearing black swimming trunks, which he probably remembered to bring, unlike me.

He was looking good, very good indeed.

It was silent for another second, we only breathed calmly in sync before he got ahold of himself again and put on a soft smile.

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